Albert Zabin  

Dive! by Albert Zabin

July 2024 - Dive!

About the Image(s)

Bright cloudy day and fast flying terns were the challenge. I took many shots of the diving terns in mid-coast Maine. Deleted all but this one. Nikon D800, Tamron 200-500 at 390mm, 1/1250 hand heldI was lucky to catch the bird just as it folded its wings for the dive. Conversion to B&W in ON1, sharpened using AI sharpener and reduced contrast and increased the white and highlight slider to white out the grey sky and then increased the shadowsliders to increase detail

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5 comments posted

Jeff Manser   Jeff Manser
Hi Albert - The first reaction I had when I opened this image was to form the word "Wow". This image has terrific impact with its white on white simplicity and perfect action pose. No suggestions from me - just a lot of bird photo envy! Well done.   Posted: 07/08/2024 21:45:33

Kirsti Näntö-Salonen   Kirsti Näntö-Salonen
Al, "Wow" was also my first reaction before I read JeffÂīs comment. In addition to being a fine Nature shot, I think that it is very pleasing purely esthetically, with the lines of the feathers in the spread wings.   Posted: 07/10/2024 06:18:17

Robert Cordivari   Robert Cordivari
This is an amazing photo. I'm so impressed that you could get such clarity and detail shooting with a zoom lens handheld! That's one for a frame. I don't have any suggestions for improvement - I think the photo speaks for itself.
  Posted: 07/12/2024 03:30:00

Robert Cordivari   Robert Cordivari
This is an amazing photo. I'm so impressed that you could get such clarity and detail shooting with a zoom lens handheld! That's one for a frame. I don't have any suggestions for improvement - I think the photo speaks for itself.
  Posted: 07/12/2024 03:30:00

Ed Ford   Ed Ford
Hi Albert - a wonderful image of the bird. I especially like the high key presentation.
To my eye your post processing was very effective.

I have no suggestions for improvement - not even nit picking.

A great image - thanks so much for sharing it with us.
  Posted: 07/27/2024 01:24:59