Ed Ford, APSA  

Go For It by Ed Ford, APSA

July 2024 - Go For It

July 2024 - Ed Ford, APSA


About the Image(s)

The fascination with young people playing a sport with real enthusiasm whether or not they are good at it is a lesson we could all learn. Too often I think it is lost as we grow in age and “sophistication” I was caught by the intensity and focus of the young people playing soccer. It was taken at my Grandson’s (he is not in the picture) school. Not much else to say.

Shot with a Nikon D750, using a Tamron 150-600mm lens (neither of which I currently own) in 2015. Processed from Lightroom Classic through PS2024 and Silver Efex Pro.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
6 comments posted

Jeff Manser   Jeff Manser
Hi Ed - I like the black and white conversion that has resulted in an image with a lot of appealing contrast. I'm a big vignette fan, but to my eye, the heavy vignette on the image kind of overpowers the shot. If one of the purposes of the heavy vignette was to diminish the corner fence posts in the background, perhaps another way would be to just remove all the fence posts and use a slightly less intense vignette.   Posted: 07/08/2024 21:39:05
Ed Ford   Ed Ford
Hi Jeff. Thanks very much for your thoughts - I do agree the vignette is heavy. However, I chose the heavy vignette in order to make the action the primary focus if the image. There was nothing of any real interest apart from the focus of the boys and the soccer ball.
I will keep your thoughts in mind for the future. Thanks again.   Posted: 07/27/2024 00:55:48

Robert Cordivari   Robert Cordivari
This brings back memories of when I coached soccer - not all of them good! :) You captured the enthusiasm of the children very well as they all focus on the ball. I like the composition, especially the stacking of the 4 kids together and the balance of the photo is very pleasing.
I agree that the vignette might be a little strong.
All in all, a great capture.   Posted: 07/09/2024 14:18:12
Ed Ford   Ed Ford
Thanks for your comments. I know the frustration of coaching, especially when parents get involved. I coach Archery and fortunately do not experience much of that. Still in a large group of teens …

With respect to the vignette I chose the heavy vignette in order to make the action the primary focus if the image. There was nothing of any real interest apart from the focus of the boys and the soccer ball.   Posted: 07/27/2024 00:58:36

Kirsti Näntö-Salonen   Kirsti Näntö-Salonen
Hi Ed, I think, too, that you have captured the spirit of the players beautifully at the perfect moment. I love the way you froze the action with everybody´s eye on the ball, also those of the two kids slightly out of focus in the background. They give a nice depth to the image. - I agree with the others about the vignette.   Posted: 07/10/2024 06:01:04
Ed Ford   Ed Ford
Thank Kristi - especially your comment about the kids that were out of focus. That was intentional and I am glad you noticed it.
I agree the vignette is heavy. As I mentioned to Jeff and Robert, I chose the heavy vignette in order to make the action the primary focus if the image. There was nothing of any real interest apart from the focus of the boys and the soccer ball.   Posted: 07/27/2024 01:00:38