Robert Cordivari
About the Image(s)
itle: Chapel, Westminster Abbey basement
1/8 sec
I wanted to emphasize the starkness and coldness of the chapel.
6 comments posted
Albert Zabin
You captured what impressed you. The tonal balance isgreat because you captured the full Ansel Adam's 0-10 tone scale. The composition is fine except I think the right side is distracting/ It looks like some sort of a tunnel. Iwould drop out the partial arch and right side.   Posted: 01/08/2025 21:47:37
Robert Cordivari
Thanks, Al. I wavered between crop or no crop. I'll take another look at the crop options.   Posted: 01/09/2025 20:30:26
Kirsti Näntö-Salonen
Hi Robert, I think that you have captured the serene spirit of the place, by letting the lovely light show the simple centered composition. - I agree with Albert about the crop.   Posted: 01/10/2025 14:38:54
Robert Cordivari
Thanks, Kirsti. I suspected I'd have cropping issue when I took the photo.   Posted: 01/11/2025 17:04:37
Barbara Gore
Hi Robert. Old ruins always grab my attention. You've done a great job conveying a sense of abandonment and coldness in this photo. The varying shades of gray enhance the image nicely. While old structures can appear crooked due to shifts in foundations, for me, I'm always looking to straighten anything when it comes to architecture. I agree with the others about the tunnel-like appearance on the right side of the frame and think cropping it in would give the image more balance. However, I find the bright white section of the arch stand out more to me. Thanks for sharing.   Posted: 01/13/2025 17:31:33
Robert Cordivari
Thank you, Barbara. The picture could use some straightening - I need to pay closer attention to my level guide. I think cropping will lose the effect I was after, but I see where the distraction lies.
Thanks for your comments.
Rob   Posted: 01/13/2025 23:47:20
Thanks for your comments.
Rob   Posted: 01/13/2025 23:47:20