Ed Ford, APSA
About the Image(s)
This was taken in Northern Ireland in 2014 using a Nikon D800 with a Nikon AF 20-35 f2,.8 lens. I processed the original to monochrome in Photoshop only. I flipped the image to lead the eye to the shack below. I like the color image but also the monochrome.
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2 comments posted
Kirsti Näntö-Salonen
Hi Ed, I like both versions, too. The emerald grass frames the stairs beautifully, and makes a such a nice contrast with the blue-gray sea and the earth colors. I think that the monochrome may be a little on the dark side - I tried see what adjusting gamma and white level slightly might do. I think that flipping the image was a good idea, and I love the arch that leads the eye to the shack. The stairs and the dark mass of the rock make a perfect Golden Spiral, too.   Posted: 11/13/2024 19:26:12
Albert Zabin
Beautiful composition. Good tonal balance Brightening of the highlights just a bit might give a little more snap, but yuour tonal balance really tells something about North Sea light.   Posted: 11/22/2024 21:41:46