Rick Cloran, HonPSA, MPSA
About the Image(s)
This is a rework of an old bracket made back in 2011 at the Colorado Springs Festival (Conference at that time). A five shot bracket using a Canon 1D MK IV, 24-105 lens at 32mm, F22, iso 200, and based exposure of 0.2 seconds. The bracket was two shots to either side at one stop intervals. The raw files were run through Pure Raw 4. The resulting dng’s were merged in Aurora 2019. I wasn’t a fan of any of the styles and so took the default merged file back into Photoshop and adjusted it for contrast, tonal range and color there. When I have tried before, I always felt that the blend process resulted in too much saturation / color in the rocks. This time around I feel I have it much closer to reality even if it isn’t quite as punchy.