Bunny Laden
About the Image(s)
Sadhu, Nepal
In October, I visited the site of the Pashupatinath Temple, a sacred Hindu site for open-air cremations on the Bagmati River. Several holy men??”sadhus??”sat under shaded canopies, offering blessings to passersby. Our guide introduced us to a group of colorfully dressed sadhus, including one with impossibly long hair. After a small donation, they posed for photos. There was a constant stream of people clamoring for selfies with the holy men. Eventually, I was able to get a tourist-free photo of this man. I cropped the image a bit to remove distractions.
Sony DSC-RX10M4, 144 mm, ISO 400,1/1250 sec at f/7.1
6 comments posted
Lane B Lewis
Bunny Laden
Thanks for the suggestion Lane. With the chaos of 21 tourists jockeying to take selfies with this man, I was lucky to get a moment to snap him. I'm not sure how well he can see. He right eye might have been closed from disease. If you look at his hand closely, you'll see he either has an injury or fingers ing from a medical condition   Posted: 01/09/2025 23:23:16
Leo Chow
Good portrait photo! It is interesting to see this man with very long hair. I would also darken the background to make the man pop. Also, I would suggest leaving some room at the top above his head. Well done!   Posted: 01/17/2025 13:30:30
Bunny Laden
Thanks for the suggestions Leo.   Posted: 01/18/2025 00:04:40
Mark McKinney
You seem to have established a rapport with this man. I expect he has many stories to tell and your photo demonstrates that. While it is unfortunate about the right eye - that is part of his story. The hair, beard, red stripe and yellow forehead are all remarkable.   Posted: 01/17/2025 23:06:42
Bunny Laden
Thanks for the comments Mark.   Posted: 01/18/2025 00:05:01