Tom Kredo, EPSA, SPSA  

Untitled by Tom Kredo, EPSA, SPSA

July 2024 - Untitled

July 2024 - Tom Kredo, EPSA, SPSA


About the Image(s)

I took this photo of a new medical building in Rochester. I processed this in a custom process inside of Topaz Studio. I made a clone of the right and added a moon shot and fussed with the cloud a bit. I was trying to get a very moody futuristic image.

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6 comments posted

Brian Swinyard   Brian Swinyard
Tom, I like your pre-visualisation here in choosing part of a building on the University of Rochester campus and converting it into a symmetrical image that is artistic and futuristic. Removal of some of the signage in the original has worked well and the flow of the architectural lines across the image is most appealing. Having created your composite, you have broken the symmetry by importing the cloudy sky and moon, positioning the latter off-centre in the frame. This has worked very well. In order to make the image feel more other-worldly and alien-like, you might light to think about flipping the image vertically as below. I have stroked a white line around the image to prevent any bleed-over into the surround.   Posted: 07/10/2024 18:05:52
Comment Image

Hazel Price   Hazel Price
Very impressive Tom. I admire what you have done which is certainly a success. It definitely ticks the futuristic box. The lovely curving lines of the building are the perfect subject. Brian's version gives the impression of a view from a space ship: even more futuristic.   Posted: 07/12/2024 11:08:56

Nadia Trevan   Nadia Trevan
Tom, you've achieved your objective in creating a futuristic and moody image. Well done.   Posted: 07/15/2024 11:16:48

Brad Becker   Brad Becker
Tom, I join the others in admiring this successful image. You've achieved your goal in a highly stylized and pleasing image. I like it just as is.   Posted: 07/18/2024 20:27:52

Lisa Cuchara   Lisa Cuchara
I love the symmetry (and moon breaking it) and the liens and curves. Well done!

I would like to see the clouds not just mirrored, as that part alone, seems incongruous.   Posted: 07/19/2024 10:48:44
Tom Kredo   Tom Kredo
Hi Lisa,
Good point on the clouds. I'll use that in version 2. Thanks.   Posted: 07/30/2024 14:13:24