Group 41 Bulletin Board
3 threads - 15 total comments
This page is dedicated to discussions about our theme (Creative) that are outside the scope of our monthly images.
Thread Title: PS filter gallery problem
In PS filter gallery, when I attempt to apply one of the filters, it does not show either as a sample or as applied after I choose ‘apply’. In the lower left a blue line does show that it is processing but the screen image remains unchanged. But in history there is no record of the filter.
Here is what I am using:
Adobe PS 22 (monthly update)
PSD or Canon CR3 file or JPEG FILE
8 bit depth
If I use filter galley filters, click say ‘underpainting’, in the lower left a blue line worm extends right, then clicks off. No underpainting result shows on the image.
If I click ok, nothing is applied and the original image returns.
If I look at the history window, no underpainting step shows.
So presumably nothing is being applied to the original image.
If I use other filters than ‘filter gallery’ such as distort> spherize, blur gallery, adoptive wide angle, or liquify, it is applied and appears on the image.
So I must have something set incorrectly or maybe PS is corrupted. This condition has existed for some months but I didn’t attempt to correct it until now. If I go back to a 2018 CR2 file, I get the same no result although I am sure in 2018 I must have applied filter gallery to some files and had it work.
Any ideas?
  Posted: 09/18/2022 15:24:47
Here is what I am using:
Adobe PS 22 (monthly update)
PSD or Canon CR3 file or JPEG FILE
8 bit depth
If I use filter galley filters, click say ‘underpainting’, in the lower left a blue line worm extends right, then clicks off. No underpainting result shows on the image.
If I click ok, nothing is applied and the original image returns.
If I look at the history window, no underpainting step shows.
So presumably nothing is being applied to the original image.
If I use other filters than ‘filter gallery’ such as distort> spherize, blur gallery, adoptive wide angle, or liquify, it is applied and appears on the image.
So I must have something set incorrectly or maybe PS is corrupted. This condition has existed for some months but I didn’t attempt to correct it until now. If I go back to a 2018 CR2 file, I get the same no result although I am sure in 2018 I must have applied filter gallery to some files and had it work.
Any ideas?
  Posted: 09/18/2022 15:24:47
Thread Title: web based back up of images
I have been experiencing troubles with portable external drives having trouble mounting with my computer and am considering reexploring cloud based storage of my photos. Anyone have a cloud service they like. I have ~ 2 TB of images. Brad   Posted: 05/25/2021 20:03:01
Sorry that you're having trouble Brad!
I don't use cloud at this point as I rely on two external hard drives for storage and backup.
I use Acronis for BU and they do have a cloud service for backups.
Good luck!   Posted: 05/25/2021 20:20:33
I don't use cloud at this point as I rely on two external hard drives for storage and backup.
I use Acronis for BU and they do have a cloud service for backups.
Good luck!   Posted: 05/25/2021 20:20:33
Thanks for the suggestion Kathy   Posted: 05/26/2021 01:42:39
Scott Kelby and I use backblaze. It's awesome and only $60 a year, but you will need upload speeds of at least 10mb/sec.
<br />   Posted: 05/25/2021 23:11:38
<br />   Posted: 05/25/2021 23:11:38
Tom, Thanks. That is a good price. Brad   Posted: 05/26/2021 01:43:05
I had a similar issue with my PC. After researching the problem. I learned that portable external drives are not for suitable for every day use. Also, if a drive is more than two thirds full. You may have issues. I solve my problem by installing a large capacity internal drive that I use only for data. I do my backups on external RAID 1, SATA drives. I have a personal fear of having all my data in the cloud. Too many things can go wrong. If I remember correctly, Adobe made a change to Lightroom and a lot of cloud images were lost or misplaced.   Posted: 06/01/2021 00:44:53
Peter, Thank you for sharing your experience and recommendations   Posted: 06/04/2021 12:10:03
Thread Title: Making Cutouts
I struggle to make masks for cutouts. Currently I am using a sequence by Julieanne Kost with some success. I also have Fluid Mask 3 which I haven't learned yet. What methods have any of you found good for making cutouts to be creative with?
Henry Roberts   Posted: 09/04/2020 16:17:57
Henry Roberts   Posted: 09/04/2020 16:17:57
Henry, are you a Photoshop user? The latest AI is pretty flawless with very little to correct and easy to use.
If you're interested, I can zoom with you and show you my selection and masking process.   Posted: 09/04/2020 17:03:12
If you're interested, I can zoom with you and show you my selection and masking process.   Posted: 09/04/2020 17:03:12
Hi Kathy,
Yes, I am interested and yes I use Photoshop. I'm burned out at the moment but just about any day and time that is good for you I can be available.
How do I zoom with you and use AI?
  Posted: 09/07/2020 00:31:44
Yes, I am interested and yes I use Photoshop. I'm burned out at the moment but just about any day and time that is good for you I can be available.
How do I zoom with you and use AI?
  Posted: 09/07/2020 00:31:44
Let me send you my email through Brad and we’ll figure it out.   Posted: 09/07/2020 00:45:16
Thanks Kathy.
I have not used AI - I just glanced at it and will give it a try.
Henry   Posted: 09/07/2020 00:48:17
I have not used AI - I just glanced at it and will give it a try.
Henry   Posted: 09/07/2020 00:48:17
Sorry, but what exactly is a cutout?   Posted: 05/25/2021 23:13:09
Separating the subject from the background.   Posted: 05/26/2021 04:50:17