Hazel Price  

The Jewelry Shop by Hazel Price

July 2024 - The Jewelry Shop

July 2024 - Hazel Price


July 2024 - Hazel Price

Original 2

July 2024 - Hazel Price

Original 3

About the Image(s)

It was taken on a Camera Club Group photoshoot on an evening in June in
Hay on Wye.

I took several images through the window of a jeweller's shop with a
multiexposure effect in mind.

The three images all had elements that I liked so I combined the three
in PS.

One was a deliberate out of focus one which formed a background layer
and one was more of a closeup which provided some detail.

I cropped the combined image and got rid of the price tags with the spot
healing brush tool.

It's a good job the shop was closed otherwise I would have been spending
some money there!

This round’s discussion is now closed!
7 comments posted

Brian Swinyard   Brian Swinyard
Hazel, I appreciate what you were trying to do with the shots taken on your Camera Club Group photoshoot to create a multi-exposure effect. Unfortunately, it hasn't quite worked for me primarily because it is a very busy image with much in it to occupy our attention. It needs to be simpler; I always find that there is much to be said for the old adage 'Less is More'. Your composite is a very busy image and there is no obvious place on which to rest the gaze. I would be inclined to play around with your Original image and forget the other two. In the version below to show a flavour of what I mean, I have cropped the original, cloned out some distracting elements to give prominence to the three ear-rings which creates a good visual triangle of interest and stroked a white line around the image.   Posted: 07/10/2024 17:50:15
Comment Image
Hazel Price   Hazel Price
I value your comments Brian and agree with them up to a point. The image is very busy. I suppose I was trying to create the experience of seeing so many beautiful earrings laid out before me. Where do I look? which do I like? which shall I buy?
It is really more of an impression of colour and shape than anything. My eye definitely goes to the two on the right at the front which are in focus. While your cropped image is clear and simple, it doesn't replicate the feeling I got when looking into the jewellers window.   Posted: 07/10/2024 19:26:09
Brian Swinyard   Brian Swinyard
Hazel, You certainly achieved your objective to illustrate the experience of seeing so many beautiful earrings and to create a sense of confusion and wonder in your mind's eye. The delight of photography is that there is no right or wrong way; essentially, they are all right and defined by the boundaries of our own objectives.   Posted: 07/11/2024 08:22:41

Nadia Trevan   Nadia Trevan
Hi Hazel, your image lends itself to be a lovely abstract and I've thought I give it a go just using gradients to bring out the shapes, textures and colours of the earings. There's a myriad of colour combinations to choose from. Here's my take.   Posted: 07/15/2024 10:57:49
Comment Image

Brad Becker   Brad Becker
Hazel, This is my third attempt at commenting on your picture. It seems there had been a glitch in the system when I tried before. After reading your thoughts on this image I did feel you succeeded in recreating that sense of distraction and disorientation inherent in shopping. Another handling of this which may ease the viewer's distress someone would be to have one earring in sharper focus or with greater contrast to suggest the process by which the distraction of so many choices eventually leads to a selection of an object of interest.   Posted: 07/18/2024 20:21:33

Lisa Cuchara   Lisa Cuchara
Great way of taking an everyday subject and making it into something creative.

I love your description of "I suppose I was trying to create the experience of seeing so many beautiful earrings laid out before me. Where do I look? which do I like? which shall I buy?" and wish that you (and me and all of us) added what we were trying to achieve like you did in your reply, in the image description.

Do tell, how, what blend modes, etc
"One was a deliberate out of focus one which formed a background layer and one was more of a closeup which provided some detail."

I appreciate the busy-ness of the earrings, albeit more so after reading your reply, but the one area of posteruziation just does not appeal to me and seems to detract.   Posted: 07/23/2024 00:50:59

Tom Kredo   Tom Kredo
Hi Hazel,
Well done merging of the images. I would suggest blurring everything but the foreground earring that is on the thirds, just to give it a focal point.   Posted: 07/30/2024 14:05:54