Here is my image for Jan 2025. Happy New Year to all the group. We are
having New Year snow and freezing rain so I'm stuck indoors today.
My image this month was composed of a snowy background taken a few
years ago and an image of a fox taken in a wildlife park in March last
year. I have been thinking of what to put onto this background for some
time. Since Christmas I have been taking part in Jane Lazenby's
Christmas Challenge tutorials which were all about making brushes and
how to use them on your own images. I made several brushes depicting
snow which were actually icing sugar sprinkled onto black card. I also
used a brush I made a couple of years ago for the spray of snow in front
of the foxes feet and on its head. This was flour on black card. These
brushes enabled me to realistically place the fox in the snow and make
it look as if it was still snowing. I wonder if he is the right size?
4 comments posted
Tom Kredo
Hi Hazel,
The snow effect on the fox is great. I would place it a bit back to the left so you have it on the thirds instead of center. In that case, you would need to make it smaller. Maybe add a hit of a shadow to the right of the fox?   Posted: 01/08/2025 22:44:05
Brian Swinyard
Hazel, I like as backdrop for your composite, your choice of snowy woodland with overhanging branch and recession of the path into the background. Your creation and use of the different brushes for the snow effect works well; I warm to your use of icing sugar and flour on black card for different effects. The main issue I have with the composite is the size of the fox and its central position in the frame. I agree with Tom that a smaller version of the fox placed slightly further back and more to the left as we look at it would increase the overall dynamic of the image.   Posted: 01/11/2025 09:55:32
Brad Becker
Hazel, I also like how you've integrated the fox in this image. I agree a subtle drop shadow would help fully integrate it   Posted: 01/12/2025 01:04:38
Melissa Cramer Sonnen
Hazel - thanks for the tip about making snow - I always found that difficult - we don't get much snow in Arkansas USA. Except yesterday, when we got 13 inches. I am going out now to collect some snow inages. And I will follow your lead this afternoon and make an animal snow scene. Mine will not be as good as yours, but I really appreciate the inspiration - thank you. Your fox is a lovely image.   Posted: 01/12/2025 16:45:51