Tom Kredo, EPSA, GPSA
About the Image(s)
I took one of my Iceland Landscapes and put a church in place of the building. I added myself and some shadows and added the appearance of a road from another photo (not shown).
4 comments posted
Brian Swinyard
Tom, My first impression of your image was one of empty space, isolation and loneliness. I like your pre-visualisation of the story you wanted to tell and the competence of your technical skills required to achieve it. Your removal of the fence around the church is an exemplar to us all. Compositionally, I like the way you have three main elements (fence on left, yourself, church) which together creates a good visual triangle of interest. The essence of your image is in the lower half of the frame. Therefore, I wondered what you would think about cropping the image into a letterbox format and indeed flipping the image horizontally to make better use of the left-to-right lead-in along the road you have introduced. See below.   Posted: 01/11/2025 11:25:48
Tom Kredo
Thanks Brian. I do like the crop, and I'll use that.   Posted: 01/16/2025 00:35:37
Melissa Cramer Sonnen
Tom - the melding of the 2 scenes worked out well. I like the placement of your church on the right because the heavy hill - highest object in the scene - "feels" better on the left. Your work with the layers brought the cows into viewing range - nice touch. Your treatment of the light is stunning - darken sky for moodiness above, and "spotlight" effect in front of the church. For me, there is a lovely story here.   Posted: 01/12/2025 17:00:33
Tom Kredo
Thanks Melissa. I appreciate your comments.   Posted: 01/16/2025 00:34:53