Catherine Honigsberg
About the Image(s)
This was at Huntley Meadow in Virginia. It is a frozen marsh and migratory birds stop over there. It was shot at 1/8000, ISO 1000, f5.6. I was shooting birds and did not change the settings.
6 comments posted
Striking picture. My only comment is maybe it's a touch underexposed? What do you think?   Posted: 02/18/2025 14:52:05
Thanks Andrew, I know I shot it wrong - looking for a way to save it. That might help and I will play with the exposure.
  Posted: 02/20/2025 17:01:17
  Posted: 02/20/2025 17:01:17
Hey Catherine, I really like your image. I thought I would take some liberties and have it a lone frozen flower. I also changed it to black and white in Silver Efex, although I think I like the colors in the snow better. I sort of made it off center and sharpened it. You are a really great photographer, but you should take the time to change your settings when you start shooting something new. Just a thought. I think a slower shutter speed may have been interesting, but I don't know. I think what I am missing here is an emotion like... loneliness, or isolation. Just a thought.   Posted: 02/19/2025 04:18:12
Hi Don. I know I shot it wrong, just looking for ways to save it. It might have been more effective to show it all alone in a bigger space for more emotion. Good lesson to slow down, reset the triangle and work the scene. Thank you   Posted: 02/20/2025 17:04:40
Catherine, I like your isolation of the plant stem poking through the ice, the ice imperfections and the shadows. In Bridge Camera Raw I did some minor cropping, increased the contrast, and some minor playing with some of the other sliders. These are minor adjustments. Your eye captured the essence.
  Posted: 02/20/2025 15:40:59
  Posted: 02/20/2025 15:40:59
Thank you Henry!   Posted: 02/20/2025 17:05:15