Last Sunday, I visited my favourite area on the coast west of Bergen. We had stormy weather for several days before that, but it was unsafe to go there then. After about an hour, a new storm with heavy clouds came from the west. I managed to capture a few frames before the wind and hail came over us, and we had no other choice than to evacuate. Even though I was wet and exhausted after the 45-minute walk back to the car, it was a great experience.
To enhance the drama, I decided to convert to black and white. I liked the seagull, which gave more atmosphere to the scene. All postprocessing is done in Lightroom and consists mainly of straightening the horizon and minor dodge and burn.
Camera: Fuji GFX 100S with GF 80 mm lens
Settings: ISO: 5000, 1/800 sec, f/7,1
5 comments posted
Larry Treadwell
So glad to hear of someone else who loves shooting in stormy weather. Having the photos makes the adventure all the more memorable. I have to know, so please answer--is that a person and a child out on the rocks in the lower left corner??? I feel the spray and the crashing waves add plenty of drama, but I'm not a fan of the seagull, it is just too small.   Posted: 02/10/2025 18:57:12
Michael Jack
Like Larry, I think you captured the power of the storm and can see why you would be wet and exhausted on the hike back. On my screen, the seagull looks like a white dot so for me, I would eliminate it. A couple of suggestions - maybe increase the tonal range to make the waves whiter. You might try creating another layer in PS and try using the overlay mode, playing with opacity, on the clouds to add even more drama.   Posted: 02/12/2025 01:17:00
Adi Ben-Senior
I love the gull and the low contrast. something in the edit of the sky shows "rings" like on the right hand. What is it ?
  Posted: 02/13/2025 01:39:22
Barbara Gore
Hi Arne. What a great location for capturing stormy weather. I like your decision to covert to black and white as it nicely highlights the rough water and waves. Unfortunately the seagull doesn't resonate with me. I also noticed some visible black and white banding in the sky, which could be due to my computer or possibly image compression.   Posted: 02/14/2025 15:10:57
Dick Burr
(Group 84)
Hello Arne,
I am Dick Burr the Admin of Group 84 Video. I saw your comment on Peter Shi's video. I think our group has been in existence for about 10 years. Peter has been with us from the very beginning. We are always looking for new talent that is interested in video. Please let me know if you are interested in joining the group. We only post our videos every other month in order go give us enough time to create.
About your image, I really like it and I do like the seagull.
I think the contrast could be adjusted a little, and the visible black and white banding in the sky,could be from the dodge and burn. Nice Job.
  Posted: 02/16/2025 17:27:14