Group 36 Bulletin Board
3 threads - 5 total comments
This page is dedicated to discussions about our theme (Scapes) that are outside the scope of our monthly images.
Thread Title: Copyrighting your images
The new year is upon us and there is something everyone with a DSLR or Mirrorless camera should be ding today. Look under your Set up menu for Copyright. Here you can enter the information that will be embedded into every file you shoot and will protect your images from theft. Be sure to include the phrase All Rights Reserved after your name.   Posted: 01/02/2021 00:24:44
Thread Title: Historical Penniman House
The link to the historical Penniman House.   Posted: 07/05/2015 18:52:40   Posted: 07/05/2015 18:52:40
Thread Title: Dodge & Burn in Photoshop
Dodge and burn in PS. create a layer above the layer that needs help.In the main menu navigate to Layer> New >Layer... and you'll get a dialog box. In that box you insert a descriptive name i.e. - Dodge & Burn - under that field check the box "Use previous to create clipping mask". The next dropdown menu is color - that should say none. Finally there is a dropdown menu mode, set to overlay and check the box that start fill w/ neutral color (50% gray) and click OK.
If you use a tablet & pen or mouse navigate to tools and select brush. set the colors to B&W (2 small boxes under the tool menu. (press 'd'). Set the flow rate to 10-20%. With the gray layer active paint w/ white to dodge and black to burn.
More than anything I wanted to see if this bulletin board is working   Posted: 06/20/2015 22:21:42
If you use a tablet & pen or mouse navigate to tools and select brush. set the colors to B&W (2 small boxes under the tool menu. (press 'd'). Set the flow rate to 10-20%. With the gray layer active paint w/ white to dodge and black to burn.
More than anything I wanted to see if this bulletin board is working   Posted: 06/20/2015 22:21:42
This is a nice tool, will try it out. Thanks for sharing   Posted: 06/22/2015 03:02:00