Adi Ben-Senior
About the Image(s)
It was early May late Friday afternoon raining in DC and I was looking for a picture. I wanted to remove the obstacles on both sides and used the trees as leading lines. I waited for people to come in and give a sense of size.
Camera nikon z9 with 24-120mm lens hand held set at aperture priority.
In the edit I darkened a bit the sky and increased the clarity slider.
3 comments posted
Larry Treadwell
I feel like the trees make a pleasant frame for the building but I really like how the tops of the trees make a diagonal leading line. My biggest wish is for there to be more space at the bottom of the frame. With the people so close top the edge the images feel like it is cut off.   Posted: 11/14/2024 21:58:38
Adi Ben-Senior
Thanks Larry thats an easy fix. There is about 3% crop from the bottom and left.   Posted: 11/14/2024 22:31:19
Michael Jack
I agree with Larry about the space at the bottom and the leading lines of the trees. Given I get a commission on cropping, I would crop in a bit from both sides to get rid of the stairs on the left but keep the balance. Good decision to include people in the image. Can you lighten the statue at the top of the building?   Posted: 11/14/2024 23:17:42