Michael Jack, QPSA  

Sparks Lane by Michael Jack, QPSA

November 2024 - Sparks Lane

About the Image(s)

Last week I led a group in the Smokies. It was cloudless and very dry. While it was still colorful to some of the group from the Southwest US, it was reported as the worst color in years in the Smokies. Streams were at minimal levels with high contrast and bright, dry white rocks. We did have a few good foggy mornings in Cades Cove so I am submitting a shot of the iconic tree in Sparks Lane. I liked the inclusion of the two bikers.

Canon 5R, ISO 400, 75mm, f10, 1/250 sec

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5 comments posted

Larry Treadwell   Larry Treadwell
A classic image depicting a foggy autumn morning in the Great Smoky Mountains. It doesn't get better than this. This feels like it should be a framed painting in the lobby of a hotel in Gatlinburg. Including the people really helps to set the stage and the road along with the fencelines easily pull the viewer into the scene. I like the slightly off set composition but I think I'd crop that thin line of blue sky in the top center   Posted: 11/14/2024 21:42:36
Michael Jack   Michael Jack
Good catch on the sky, thanks   Posted: 11/14/2024 22:51:59

Barbara Gore   Barbara Gore
Hi Michael. I never tire of this scene. I just visited Cades Cove and the atmosphere changes with each trip. This photo captures the beauty of the Cove perfectly. The lighting, fog, and colors along with the people biking make it a must-see location. I do agree with Larry's suggestion. Beautiful image.   Posted: 11/19/2024 16:55:46

Arne Skinlo   Arne Skinlo
The image really convey the feeling of an autumn early morning. I liked the camera post at the side of the road that makes it more dynamic. Like Larry, I would suggest to crop from the top.   Posted: 11/24/2024 07:07:53

Adi Ben-Senior   Adi Ben-Senior
Beautiful. I like a-lot the red spot of the person under th tree. This picture will work equally well on a vertical crop.
well done.
  Posted: 11/29/2024 22:26:37