Tatu Korhonen  

Untitled by Tatu Korhonen

July 2024 - Untitled

July 2024 - Tatu Korhonen


About the Image(s)

This is the view from my summer cottage in Eastern Finland. The most northern canal, Nerkoo, of the long and wide inland water route is in our neighborhood. There is quite a lot of timber trade traffic by pusher-barges and by rafting. In the picture, a vessel is approaching the canal in order to pass from Lake Onkivesi to Lake Nerkoonjärvi, which is connected to the timber port of Iisalmi
Camera: Sony NEX-5 Full Spectrum
Lens: Nikkor-P 25/105mm
Filter: IR 720nm
Post-processing: Snapseed

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4 comments posted

Lauren Heerschap   Lauren Heerschap
Very dramatic clouds and a lot going on in the photo. If you wanted the boat to be more the subject, I would crop up the foreground and left side. Really interesting barge (boat) so maybe if you darkened the foreground and lightened the background the contrast would give the barge more detail.   Posted: 07/08/2024 18:07:12

Ian Cambourne   Ian Cambourne
A fine image Tatu, but I must agree with Lauren, the dark barge, seems a little lost on the dark water. If you crop this into a panorama, the resultant less bright foreground would "show" the barge more.   Posted: 07/22/2024 07:52:38

Debbie Rubin   Debbie Rubin
A lovely moment to capture of the barge amongst the peacefulness of the water and foliage. However, I agree with both Lauren and Ian that the barge seems too dark with such light foliage. And, if you cropped some of the foreground and the left side, the subject would be more of the focal point.   Posted: 07/24/2024 00:16:02

Nelson Charette   Nelson Charette
Very nice I like the clouds. I might also crop up a bit from the bottom or use a gradient filter to darken the foreground.   Posted: 07/25/2024 15:27:14