Steve Wessing
About the Image(s)
In onelab, I used 'inline breaks' to create the surreal side. Then I used 'channel switch' and 'gloss texture' to create the psychedelic side. Resizing, assembly and color adjustments were completed in the gimp.
4 comments posted
Both images have made the bench sort of disappear into the background. If that was your intent, then mission accomplished. But to my eye, the main subject needs to stand out a bit more. I like that the shadow in the surreal version also has inline breaks.   Posted: 02/12/2025 22:31:10
I quite like the green one - interesting how the background bleeds into the subject bench. The B&W version is lost on me, sorry.   Posted: 02/14/2025 17:43:45
Hi Steve. Both of them are unique. But if you give me a choice. I choose the psychedelic version. It gives me a bit of mystical feeling.   Posted: 02/16/2025 08:12:44
Hi Steve. Very original. I am drawn more to the black / white image - the "surreal" side. I also like the inline breaks in the shadow.   Posted: 02/21/2025 23:32:37