Member Bios

Steve Estill, APSA, EPSA

Steve Estill, APSA, EPSA

I was Born in Whitby, North Yorkshire, worked away for most of my life, but now settled into a busy retirement back in Whitby. Married to Viv who's my inspiration and best friend ever!

I've been interested in photography for over 50 years and have progressed from Olympus Trip, through Nikon 35 mm to digital, and from darkroom to Lightroom Photoshop, where I'm happily playing. I joined PSA in 2009 and I've been admin of Group 34 ever since. I gained EPSA in 2020 and have now stopped entering exhibitions. I was awarded the APSA in 2022 for work with the education department and for being the administrator of this wonderful group! My other interests are music (I've played the guitar longer than I've used a camera) and our garden.

I don't have any particular speciality, but if I like the look of something I'll take it and use it somewhere. I get frustrated with the technical 'rules' of what a photograph should be made up of - rules are made to be broken (if you know what the rules were there for in the first place), so the 'Creative' route is for me.

I mainly use a Nikon D810 (Also have a D300s, a D200 and a D70 with infrared conversion). My current favourite lenses are a Nikor 28 - 300 f/3.5 - 5.6 for general use, Sigma 24 - 70 f/2.8 and Nikor 50 f/1.8 for portraits.
Software is Photoshop CC, with Lightroom CC, and lots of plugins!

Have a look at if you've got a spare minute or three!!

Candy Childrey, PPSA

Candy Childrey, PPSA

Born in Atlanta, Georgia, I am a southerner at heart. My roots are in the south, but I traveled frequently as a child with my family as my Dad was in the U.S. Air Force. Now I live in the sub tropics in Coral Springs, Florida (the Ft. Lauderdale area). My true love is South Florida's beautiful birds-both year round residents and our winter visitors. One can get completely lost from the stresses of life while observing them.

My photography traverses all fields. I'm a very eclectic photographer and take images of almost anything that comes my way. One of my favorites, of course, is nature, but old broken down vehicles and classic cars are also some of my favorite subjects.

I presently use an Olympus micro 4/3 OMD E-M-1 camera.

Gunter Haibach

Gunter Haibach

I am married and live with my wife Avril in Niagara on the Lake, Ontario, Canada - a beautiful wine region of Ontario.
After 15 years of striving to produce "WOW" images, the "Beat Goes On" - still striving, learning, and doing. Thanks to local camera clubs, mentors, PSA for helping me on this journey.
Have no favourite subjects, but lean towards the creative and non-traditional aspects of artful images. My favourite photographic outing is in local forests - while not necessarily producing "WOW" pictures, more importantly, it feeds my soul.
My equipment includes an Olympus Mirror-Less camera, 2 Zoom lenses and a Macro lens. I do my post-processing with P.S. Elements and NIK and Topaz plug-in's.
My other hobbies include reading and sports (watching!). Up until recently I was also a bit of a political junkie, however, for sanity reasons I've weaned myself off it. I have already apologized to my grandchildren for the world we're leaving them.
Looking forward to participating in the group.

Frans Gunterus, QPSA

Frans Gunterus, QPSA

Frans Gunterus

I live in Indonesia. Photography is my everlasting interest since my childhood. Before the pandemic, my wife and I visited many countries in tour groups. That was my chance to explore my interest in photography. Unlike most photographers that have time to set tripods, filters and wait for good lighting and good moment. I just don't have that kind of luxury when following non-photography tours. I sometimes have to shoot from the moving bus.

So, I always used bracket exposure. Most likely with auto ISO. I normally provide enough space around my subjects for further cropping to get more suitable composition. The rest, I have to refine my image during post processing. I enjoy my time for post processing. It almost like visiting the place for the second time. Imagining the color, the lighting and the beauty of scene I visited.

I enjoyed being a member of PSA. Learn some of many available courses, Digital Dialogue and keep up with photography updates and engage with other photographers from different countries.

Steve Wessing

Steve Wessing

I come from a long line of amateur and professional photographers, starting with my grandfather who participated in salons of the Amsterdamsche Amateur Fotografen Vereeniging in the 1940s and was one of the first to to teach photography in Indonesia. I got my first camera at age 5 and have been hooked ever since. I am active in abstract and travel photography, but my greatest interest is stereoscopic photography.

I inherited my uncle's stereo realist in my teen years, and still take mostly stereo images today. In the intervening years, my photos have been used as album cover art, and published in various magazines and books including a short time as house photographer for the Rock 'n Roll Probe.

I am currently on the board of directors of the Cascade Stereoscopic Club, and a member of the National Stereoscopic Association.

Group Admin

Jan Handman

Jan Handman

I live in San Diego, California with my husband of 54 years. We're both retired now, and since we didn't do much traveling while we were raising our family, we're now making up for lost time in that endeavor. It's such a hoot to see photos of faraway places and be able to point and say "we've been there -- right at that very spot!"

I've always enjoyed fine art photography, but not always from behind the camera. I remember as a child seeing Ansel Adams' images and being mesmerized by them. Many of our family vacations were in places he photographed. When I was in college I tried many times to take a photography class, but they always seemed to be full, so I never got the opportunity. It was only after I was retired that I finally took my first class. This was just at the time digital photography was becoming mainstream. I loved the idea of being able to practice and experiment without having to spend big money on film developing just to find out if what you tried actually worked. I enjoy doing still life, composite, travel, and flower photography.

My website:

Mike Cowdrey, MPSA

Mike Cowdrey, MPSA

I am a retired Chartered Accountant, living in Nottingham, England. I have 5 grown up children and 12 grandkids. I joined PSA in 1990, and in 2014 I managed to achieve Galaxy 9 in PID and 5 Star in Natural History, enabling me to qualify for MPSA. I have also been lucky enough to have been awarded ARPS, EFIAP and MPAGB. I enjoy creative photography, and before the advent of Photoshop I gained some success via slide manipulation. I no longer enter exhibitions, but I am out and about almost every day taking pictures of anything that moves (or doesn't!)
During lockdown at virus time I had just retired and to keep busy I wrote a novel and was fortunate to get offers of publication, and the book came out in 2022.