Gunter Haibach
About the Image(s)
Original image taken at 1/60, f14, ISO250, 29mm.
As much as I liked this picture, I had in mind another version - one that is a bit moodier, and more colourful.
Post processing in ACR, Photoshop (primarily Curve and Hue/Saturation adjustments - heavy handed!).
Finally used a Topaz Studio filter (?) to change the moodiness.
As always, much appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.
This round’s discussion is now closed!
8 comments posted
Jan Handman
This has taken on the look of a double or triple exposure, to me. It's an interesting interpretation, but I think you lost a lot of depth from the original, especially just to left of center where you can see further into the deeper forest. You also lost the dramatic shadows of the trees, which, to me, convey moodiness beautifully. So I took a stab at playing to retain the depth I feel is missing in your version. The light colored sky doesn't contribute to moodiness, so I cropped most of it out. Then I just used On1 Glow, HDR, and vignette filters. It's not as impressionistic and creative as your version, for sure. Just another way of getting to moody.   Posted: 11/10/2024 01:11:29
Gunter Haibach
Thanks for your critique. You're right - the sky does not work me either - not only too bright but also too "real".
  Posted: 11/20/2024 04:24:52
  Posted: 11/20/2024 04:24:52
Mike Cowdrey
I'm not sure about this one Gunter! The original is very nice, but for me the trees have become a bit awkward in taking on a blend with the background. Jan's version solves this problem!   Posted: 11/23/2024 09:57:42
Gunter Haibach
Thanks, Mike
Appreciate your input   Posted: 11/23/2024 23:54:53
Appreciate your input   Posted: 11/23/2024 23:54:53
Steve Wessing
Your image tells a confusing story, but a story none the less. It has a lot of depth and interest. The colors are all similarly vibrant, giving it continuity through the confusion.I am not put off by the sky. But I think it would be more balanced if you introduced more of it on the left side.   Posted: 11/27/2024 19:29:02
Gunter Haibach
Thanks, Steve
"Confusion" is a perfect title for this piece. It so reflects autumn scenes that I've seen 100 times that have so much going on, it's almost overpowering for the eyes.
  Posted: 11/28/2024 03:34:58
"Confusion" is a perfect title for this piece. It so reflects autumn scenes that I've seen 100 times that have so much going on, it's almost overpowering for the eyes.
  Posted: 11/28/2024 03:34:58
Frans Gunterus
Hi Gunter. I just came back from Japan last night. That's the fall scene I saw there. You make the scene so colorful like an oil painting. To me. It is perfectly done. I will not touch it.   Posted: 11/28/2024 01:02:36
Gunter Haibach
Thank you Frans.
I'm already looking forward to your Japan series (I hope)   Posted: 11/28/2024 03:36:01
I'm already looking forward to your Japan series (I hope)   Posted: 11/28/2024 03:36:01