Judy Burr, APSA, MPSA  

Topeka Capitol by Judy Burr, APSA, MPSA

July 2024 - Topeka Capitol

July 2024 - Judy Burr, APSA, MPSA


About the Image(s)

The original was taken with an iPhone in the capitol of Kansas. I have found phones are often easier to use inside buildings than my Olympus camera. I liked the stairway with the light but wanted to experiment with it. The final image was done on an iPad using several different apps--Tiny Planets and Circular. I look forward to your comments.

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9 comments posted

Bob Legg   Bob Legg
I look forward to your images every month, Judy. Between your vision and your iPad software you make beautiful images from normal (in this case staircase). I mention your vision, because I bet I lack a single staircase among my 49k images. But then again I'm not as well traveled. Great exposure, focus and center design.   Posted: 07/08/2024 19:09:41
Judy Burr   Judy Burr
Bob, you are missing a lot if you avoid stairways! Jim Zuckerman does a lot of stairways. I have made a lot of images from the stairways in the Old State House stairways in Dover, DE. They have done well in the Chapter Showcase and PSA Exhibitions.   Posted: 07/16/2024 16:05:40

Tim Sanders   Tim Sanders
Great image Judy and I like the simple lines and graphic detail of the original. Have you had much success with these reimagined images?   Posted: 07/10/2024 21:57:28
Judy Burr   Judy Burr
I had to check to see how many altered images I have used. I have over 40 retired images that were altered. Many are from stairways, but also bikes, organ pipes, windows and just plain abstracts.   Posted: 07/16/2024 16:07:44

Gunter Haibach   Gunter Haibach
Another twisty/turny image - Nicely photographed, and the filter did an interesting job as well. You've done a few using this filter, but I think I preferred some of your earlier ones a bit better than this one. This one is a bit too busy for these tired, old eyes - specifically the outside portions. I find my attention being drawn to them, mostly since they are not as geometrically similar as the inside pattern. I took the liberty to do a version that eliminates the outside, and is a more, simpler image for me.
I must admit, that I really like the original with it's great leading lines, textures, shapes, and it's simplicity.   Posted: 07/11/2024 01:25:14
Comment Image

Karen Harris   Karen Harris
This is nice, but I too prefer the original.   Posted: 07/15/2024 17:58:24
Judy Burr   Judy Burr
I had problems with the lights in the original since they are so bright. It was a challenge for me to darken them. I cloned a lot in the base of the original since the paint was peeling and discolored.   Posted: 07/16/2024 16:09:32

Ron Spencer   Ron Spencer
I really like the original, too, but I appreciate your styling with the creative apps.   Posted: 07/16/2024 01:49:41

Elaine Miller
I like the simplicity of Gunter's, but prefer your version. The railing adds some interest to the edges for me.   Posted: 07/16/2024 15:40:39