Tim Sanders  

Passing By The "Pig Pen" Cafe by Tim Sanders

July 2024 - Passing By The "Pig Pen" Cafe

About the Image(s)

Here is this month's offering - fun rather than technical excellence this time.

Taken on my way to the shops in my local town Okehampton. As this characterful chap was passing the cafe known as the "Pig Pen" and it just amused me. Tight crop in on the subject - very simple processing from RAW, a little shadow suppression and converted to black and white with a slight increase in contrast. Nikon Z7ii with 28-200mm zoom at 105mm f11@1.2000second ISO 3200.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
9 comments posted

Bob Legg   Bob Legg
Another fantastic "street photo" by Tim. Excellent focus and stopped action. I see where you gone to the Z7ii to replace you D750/D780. No hint of noise. My only nit was No signage from the cafe, but perhaps it has a local following and no sign needed. I'm thinking that you tried selecting his face and increasing exposure?
Bob   Posted: 07/08/2024 18:47:03
Tim Sanders   Tim Sanders
Thanks Bob, yes regarding the face I was afraid of the light coloured clothing burning out. It is a very tight crop I tried several others with more signage in. And I I am trying out the Z7ii it is much lighter but I am not confident to use it exclusively and the D850 will be coming on photo shoots for the foreseeable future.   Posted: 07/10/2024 21:47:53

Gunter Haibach   Gunter Haibach
An interesting Street Photography example. Technically very well done, and makes one think. Several stories there, sorry, but have to take a quick break for a coffee and a brownie!
Have adopted the politically correct advise to not 'shame' body mass, I do find it alarming to read that some countries have a 70% and higher rate of overweight people - all ages. Health issues and medical costs, most often quoted.   Posted: 07/10/2024 21:02:37
Tim Sanders   Tim Sanders
I did stop for coffee and a brownie there and it was very good.   Posted: 07/10/2024 21:50:31

Karen Harris   Karen Harris
Very nice street photo. I think I would like the window stuff on the left cloned out.   Posted: 07/15/2024 17:47:17
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Tim Sanders   Tim Sanders
It certainly makes that edge far less cluttered.   Posted: 07/15/2024 20:43:13

Ron Spencer   Ron Spencer
I really like the street capture. The signage kind of begs for a human subject... I think you noted that and waited for subjects to walk by. I think this shot is benignly humorous. Not so much if the fellow was identifiable. I kind of like the fact that his face is in the dark.
The Pig Pen might consider a name change.   Posted: 07/16/2024 01:42:51

Elaine Miller
I like the left window design cloned out. I brightened his face some and toned down all the white. An option to cloning out the left window design is to darken it. This was just a fast job but it gives the idea.   Posted: 07/16/2024 13:18:29
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Judy Burr   Judy Burr
Very nice street shot. I agree with Karen and Elaine on the left side. I also lightened the face a bit. This would be great as a PJ entry. Monochrome works well.   Posted: 07/16/2024 15:30:47
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