Ron Spencer
About the Image(s)
This is a clump of mushrooms that popped up after a recent rain. I don't know the species. These mushrooms continue to appear around a tree stump removed below the level of the grade, despite the tree having died and being removed some 25 years ago.
60 mm macro lens , converted to mono with Silver FX
6 comments posted
An interesting nature image - very nice composition - really like the grasses in front.
For my taste, I don't think this Silver FX filter enhances it. One of the things I like about this subject is the fine details, especially in the stem - and I think the filter messed with it. Just my take.   Posted: 02/14/2025 16:10:34
For my taste, I don't think this Silver FX filter enhances it. One of the things I like about this subject is the fine details, especially in the stem - and I think the filter messed with it. Just my take.   Posted: 02/14/2025 16:10:34
I would like to see the original and also know what filter you used in Silver Efex Pro. Not much looks sharp and I would like to see more detail in the mushrooms. It would help if we know what your camera settings were too. Mushrooms can make great photos, but I think this could be improved with more detail.   Posted: 02/17/2025 20:43:19
Not sure which Silver FX filter I used, as I must have made other tonality adjustments in LR. Probably "Structural...smooth".Attached is original, 1/40, 7.1, iso 500, 60mm macro.. Agree it could be sharper. I must have messed with the filters 100 times before selecting one. Possibly it would have come out better if I had given my eyes a break. Thanks for your and Gunter's thoughts.
_Ron   Posted: 02/19/2025 01:37:29
_Ron   Posted: 02/19/2025 01:37:29
Ron, Thanks for sending your original. I used Full Dynamic which is probably my favorite. My version is included. I don't process as well as most of the group. I use Elements with NIK and Topaz. I tried to learn LR and others, but wasn't up to the task. I like more detail in nature photos most of the time. We should all give ourr eyes a break. Our eye doc said 20-20-20--every 20 minutes, look away for 20 sseconds at 20 feet. I should follow his directions!   Posted: 02/20/2025 18:03:05
Hi Ron, with the benefit of Gunter and Judy's comments and my own preference would be to go with the two versions they have submitted. But I have assumed you tried to get a different effect, which you have achieved soft and mellow.   Posted: 02/22/2025 10:02:52