Gunter Haibach
About the Image(s)
Shot at 1/80, f7.1, ISO640. Post in ACR, Ps, NIK
Another case where the eyes and what the camera captured were not in synch.
The original colour image was much to busy looking for me. So I tried it in B&W, and it was an improvement, but did not reflect the mood that I wanted to create - so I coloured it ever so slightly to 'age' it a bit.
As always appreciate your feedback and suggestions - thanks
4 comments posted
Elaine Miller
I love your edit and wouldn't change anything. You could also try tinting it blue to give it a cold wintery feel.   Posted: 01/08/2025 20:25:42
Bob Legg
Gunter, the BW improves the image and gives it a very nice reflection. I wonder if you darkened the light grasses on the left side at the mid point. My eye stopped there because of the briteness but that's just a distraction. I would also try to increase the texture in the clouds of the sky. The sky in the color version is too brite making the water and reflection too dull in the foreground. I would settle on my purpose taking the image. If I needed reflections then go with BW. If I needed color I'd increase exposure of the clouds in the water. With the masks & editing tools I'd see if I could make an image from it. I think the BW offers the best rewards.   Posted: 01/10/2025 01:49:43
Ron Spencer
I love the general feel and mood of the image. However, the geology confuses me a bit...bluff or cliffs near the shore? It's so precise as to nearly look manmade. Undoubtedly a very pretty spot   Posted: 01/14/2025 01:25:26
Tim Sanders
I think the black and white really works well. You could try a little more contrast on the actual trees and sky to add punch.
A very pleasing image.   Posted: 01/15/2025 16:49:31
A very pleasing image.   Posted: 01/15/2025 16:49:31