Eric Schweitzer
About the Image(s)
The Basilica is along the Vistula River in downtown Krakow. This shot was from across the river after sunset.
It was shot handheld with shutter at 1/8 of a second, f5.6, ISO 6400. In post I imported to LRC and completed basic raw edits and cropped. Then exported to Topaz Photo AI where I adjusted for noise, sharpening, lighting, and color balance. I then exported to Photoshop where I removed a column on the small dock in the foreground.
2 comments posted
Beautiful shot and I like the removal of the column.   Posted: 03/11/2025 12:11:54
Hi Eric, I agree with Bollin that the removal of the column makes a difference. The reflection in the water warms up the picture as well. Thank you for sharing the image!   Posted: 03/12/2025 05:28:35