Brian Parkin, QPSA
About the Image(s)
I was out taking picture of local wild birds, and I spotted what I thought was a nice composition of a Teal surrounded by some of his friends.
Shot at 600mm, f/6.3, 1/1600s, ISO400.
Not much post-processing - just a crop and lighten the shadows a little.
There are plenty of pixels in the original to crop right in on the main subject, but I quite like this crop.
2 comments posted
Hi Brian, very unique composition. I like it too!   Posted: 02/08/2025 20:58:20
I like the sharpness and colors of the Teal and the fuzziness of the supporting cast. The motion of the water and reflctions provide a nice background.   Posted: 02/19/2025 17:05:51