Audrey Waitkus
About the Image(s)
On December 21 about 4:30 in the afternoon, just a few blocks from home, we turned the corner and were presented with this marvelous sky. I got out my cell phone and captured about 15 images. Of course they weren't as sharp as had we been able to stop, but the colors and light really are the story here for me. The specs were 28mm, ISO 80, f1.8, 1/121 sec. In Photoshop, I cropped and saved for web.
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6 comments posted
Bollin Millner
Stunning view and a great capture. It terms of sharpness, I wonder what would happen if you "denoised" the photo in lightroom.   Posted: 01/12/2025 15:20:24
Audrey Waitkus
I haven't used Lightroom in a long time. When I tried to work on the photo I learned that the photo must be either a RAW file or one of several other file types I've never even heard of. Since this is a jpeg from my iPhone, there was no way to get it to work. I tried LR Classic and Photoshop as well, and the denoise function doesn't even come up in the places the instructions said to look. I think I heard that iPhones can now produce RAW files, but have not looked into that so far.   Posted: 01/12/2025 22:44:03
Bollin Millner
Ah...I had forgotten about the formatting issue. I've run into that. Regardless, great photo!   Posted: 01/13/2025 14:21:56
Ruth Holt
Audrey, beautiful sky. Great sky. The lack of sharpness in the trees could be a light fog as the scene looks cold.   Posted: 01/14/2025 16:51:24
Eric Schweitzer
A wonderful sky with excellent color and the road is a great leading line. I agree with Bollin that the lack of sharpness degrades the look, and I understand the formatting issues. I wonder is there a photo processing app on the phone the may improve the sharpness.
As an experiment, I downloaded it to LRC and the moved it to the Topaz Photo AI plugin. In photo AI I ran the denoise, sharpening, adjust lighting, and upscale modules. The first 3 modules made adjustments and upscale changed the size and number of pixels. Original was 1024 x 436 and 0.456 mb. The upscale was 4096 x 1744 and 2.56mb. I had to reduce the size to below 1mb to be able to post it with this comment. Photo AI did change the image some but I do not think significantly.   Posted: 01/15/2025 20:11:11
As an experiment, I downloaded it to LRC and the moved it to the Topaz Photo AI plugin. In photo AI I ran the denoise, sharpening, adjust lighting, and upscale modules. The first 3 modules made adjustments and upscale changed the size and number of pixels. Original was 1024 x 436 and 0.456 mb. The upscale was 4096 x 1744 and 2.56mb. I had to reduce the size to below 1mb to be able to post it with this comment. Photo AI did change the image some but I do not think significantly.   Posted: 01/15/2025 20:11:11
Audrey Waitkus
That's a definite improvement. I especially like that the road and village are in focus. And the sky is even more spectacular. I'm not keeping up with the newest features in the software, so I really appreciate learning what else is available and seeing the results.   Posted: 01/16/2025 04:19:05