Marilyn Ross
About the Image(s)
Taken in Atlantic City in 2013 with my D7000 at f9, 1/320, ISO 320 and at 85
MM. Processed in PSCC.
2 comments posted
Jill Attaway
Marilyn - I like your shot and caption. It makes me really glad that I'm not a window washer!! If it were my photo, I might try experimenting with tighter crops. The lines are a bit distracting especially where parts of the windows are cut off at the top and bottom.
  Posted: 01/15/2025 23:31:39
  Posted: 01/15/2025 23:31:39
Richard Stauber
Neat shot. Window washer's moto - 'Don't look down!'.
Jill's comment is well taken but then the other way of looking at it is a wider shot might evoke more drama in actually seeing this person, small in size compared to the bldg, hanging way high up there.
  Posted: 01/18/2025 01:12:33
Jill's comment is well taken but then the other way of looking at it is a wider shot might evoke more drama in actually seeing this person, small in size compared to the bldg, hanging way high up there.
  Posted: 01/18/2025 01:12:33