Peggy Reeder  

Pears Mill by Peggy Reeder

July 2024 - Pears Mill

July 2024 - Peggy Reeder


About the Image(s)

This is an image of the old Pears Mill in Buchanan, Michigan. Because of the bright late afternoon lighting, I decided to bracket my shots, so this finished photo is a 3 image HDR. My original shown here is the middle shot of the three. I did a little toning in Lightroom and then took it into Color Efex Pro. I used the Film Efex: Vintage filter in Color Efex, and that made a big difference in the overall look of the image - especially the sharpness and color tone. Then I cropped it to draw the eye in to the waterwheel and creek.

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5 comments posted

Mike Patterson   Mike Patterson
Great job of processing this image. You warmed up the scene from the drab original picture, and did a perfect job of cropping, especially removing that object in the foreground. Everything was sharp and in focus. Looking around the scene, looks like you could have fun shooting some additional images, especially by focusing on different elements, such as the waterfall, and great big wheel.   Posted: 07/02/2024 00:38:20

Joseph J Zaia   Joseph J Zaia
This is also another location that can present many opportunities for interesting images. For me, I feel that the foreground served as a leading line to the background and holding all the elements together. As it is now, the image appears more flat emphasizing the gap between the wheel and the water. The colors could use a little pumpkin up.   Posted: 07/18/2024 14:54:14

Al Swanson   Al Swanson
I really love old mills and you've done well in your bottom crop and coloration. Only suggestion would be to crop the top so that the whole railing would show. Great composition.   Posted: 07/18/2024 16:44:13

Marti Buckely   Marti Buckely
I agree with Al about the top railing. Just a smidge more space to have it not cut off at the top.
Nice coloring as the lighting is not really favorable. The sky looks a little stormy gray instead of the washed out white. Good job.   Posted: 07/19/2024 21:41:28

Jerry Biddlecom   Jerry Biddlecom
Was the wheel turning at all? If so, you could have fun with a long exposure that would show the turning movement. The random placement of the rocks add a nice visual rhythm to the composition and leads the eye towards intersecting the line between the waterfall and the wheel.   Posted: 07/22/2024 12:02:45