Don Poulton  

Purple Martin by Don Poulton

July 2024 - Purple Martin

About the Image(s)

Last week, a group of us from the camera club went on an outing at a wetland area near the shore of Lake Ontario where purple martin apartment houses had been put up. I got lots of shots of purple martins going about their lives, including this one of a male that had captured an insect, possibly to feed one of the young.

I used my Canon 7D Mark II, 100-400mm lens at 400, and 1.4x converter. Exposure was 1/1000 at f/8. In Lightroom I adjusted the exposure slightly, lightened the eye and cropped a bit. That was the totality of processing, was really close to "SOOC".

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7 comments posted

Mike Cowdrey   Mike Cowdrey
Great capture with the beak-full of food. Some good definition in the feathers which can be difficult with dark plumage. Position on the branch is fine. In UK, competition judges have an unkind definition 'Bird on a stick', but I can't think that this applies to this image!   Posted: 07/11/2024 07:59:41

Leslie Larson   Leslie Larson
We don't get purple martins out here in the west. They are such great insect eaters, I wish we had them. Detail good, insect in beak a nice added touch, lighting good, colors perfect. Didn't realize judges don't like "bird on a stick" since unless they are in flight, that's where they sit.   Posted: 07/11/2024 15:14:32

Tom Buckard   Tom Buckard
Don, your purple Martin is excellent! Sharpness and detail is right on and whenever in my book they have and object or insect it is a major plus. I just don't care for the metal rod he is perched on so I took the liberty to crop. What do you think?   Posted: 07/13/2024 00:24:06
Comment Image
Don Poulton   Don Poulton
Unfortunately this is the type of perches that the builders of this area set up for the birds. I still like my version with the whole bird. Maybe I should try replacing the perch with a branch from another image but then this wouldn't be appropriate for a nature competition.   Posted: 07/15/2024 21:21:30
Tom Buckard   Tom Buckard
Don, certainly agree with you. The whole bird is the best. In most club competitions and most others they use PSA rules and that is no hand of man. I think I would try a branch replacement because the Purple Martin with a bug is excellent!!!   Posted: 07/15/2024 23:12:06
Don Poulton   Don Poulton
Thanks Tom, you have a valid point.   Posted: 07/17/2024 20:27:58

Gabriele Dellanave   Gabriele Dellanave
Don is an excellent shot. However, I like Tom version. If you do not want to replace the perch, it is a detriment for the bird, regardless of whether somebody would like it or not. Also, I would lighten up a bit either the background or the bird,
blue on blue is not a great combination of colors.   Posted: 07/17/2024 20:48:31