Mel Marilim
About the Image(s)
I took this photo of my son using a 300 mm lens while seated far back in the bleachers at his graduation.
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6 comments posted
Your eye caught a great moment. DOF is right to focus on the one going the "wrong" way. Crop a little more from the right?   Posted: 07/07/2024 15:21:41
Hi Mel,
I think this is a unique and thought provoking image. if I didn't know this was your son I might ask `why the focus on this fellow? what makes him special?' The depth of field fall off on the rest of the graduates is a great technique to emphasize the subject--pretty amazing you were able to get him that sharp at 300mm (and I assume handheld). You may want to try a variety of different crops to see which tells your story best. Well done! Norm   Posted: 07/07/2024 16:25:12
I think this is a unique and thought provoking image. if I didn't know this was your son I might ask `why the focus on this fellow? what makes him special?' The depth of field fall off on the rest of the graduates is a great technique to emphasize the subject--pretty amazing you were able to get him that sharp at 300mm (and I assume handheld). You may want to try a variety of different crops to see which tells your story best. Well done! Norm   Posted: 07/07/2024 16:25:12
I really like the way you have done this picture. When you tell us the story it makes a lot of sense. The blurring of the rest of the people really makes your son stand out. Well done.   Posted: 07/13/2024 08:48:53
This picture of your son is a treasure, very well done. I think the crop is just fine. I think part of the power of this story is that there are so many students and your son stands out from them all. I thought it was not a depth of field technique but a pan with his movement, but I think Norm is correct, you achieved a depth of field were he seems totally in focus but nothing else is. Perhaps it was both depth of field and pan effect. Whatever it is great.   Posted: 07/17/2024 20:28:32
Harriet Ciccone
Mel, great image of your son.   Posted: 07/18/2024 13:45:40
I would name this picture "Rising above the crowd" good catch ! this is fast moving scene and you got it right. Well done.
congratulations BTW :)
  Posted: 07/28/2024 13:39:45
congratulations BTW :)
  Posted: 07/28/2024 13:39:45