Harriet Ciccone  

Early morning #8 by Harriet Ciccone

July 2024 - Early morning #8

About the Image(s)

I got these beauties at a local market and promptly situated them in my kitchen for a study.
F2.8 28MM 1/160 ISO 200

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6 comments posted

Jay Denny   Jay Denny
I see a sandwich in waiting. Wonder if Depth of field is a little shallow.   Posted: 07/07/2024 15:16:41

Norm Solomon   Norm Solomon
Harriet, I think this is the beginning of a great still life . I like that the tomatoes are all on the stem...giving a sense of `just harvested'. I also like the use of monochrome...it really emphasizes the shape of these tomatoes. Per Jay's comment you may want to try this with an increased depth of field--the front center tomato seems a bit `fuzzy'. Since this is a still life it should be easy enough to use a tripod and dial down the shutter speed and increase the f-stop. Also,placing the veggies on something like black velvet or some other dark non reflective surface may help the image `pop' more.
norm   Posted: 07/07/2024 16:16:08

John Hackett   John Hackett
Yet another of your excellent 'Early morning' series. The tomatoes still on the vine is a neat way of picturing them, and the fact the vine is at the bottom works well for me. The monochrome of course gives the tomatoes a bit of a disguise as we are used to the bright red. I do get the impression that the picture is a touch soft, but that of course may have been deliberate.   Posted: 07/13/2024 08:40:11

Mel Marilim   Mel Marilim
I like the horizontal circular pattern created by the tomatoes which is broken by the stem. Side lighting brings out the texture of the surface the tomatoes are on. Per the comments above, a smaller aperture would make all the tomatoes sharp.   Posted: 07/15/2024 16:44:30

Stan Bormann   Stan Bormann
The one tomato in front of the stem creates a bit of a Center of Interest, just enough to the right to not feel centered. I like the composition with the gentle curve of the stem. I agree things seem a little soft to me. I like whatever is closest to the camera that is part of the main subject to be in sharp focus. Some falloff in the back row of tomatoes might be OK, but I think I agree, I would go for more depth of field.   Posted: 07/17/2024 20:12:14

Adi Ben-Senior   Adi Ben-Senior
I agree with Stan. All together the texture is beautiful and the light reflecting on top makes the picture very interesting and engaging. Very nice
  Posted: 07/28/2024 13:33:07