Dr Brian Wimborne  

Rosalind by Dr Brian Wimborne

May 2022 - Rosalind

About the Image(s)

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11 comments posted

Peter Elliston   Peter Elliston
Hi Brian and welcome to the group
This is a striking image of Rosalind. Her expression is unusual and almost as if you have caught her unawares and maybe that was your intention so that makes it very different which is appealing. But it is quite flatly lit so there is no real drama in the image - only a small hint of a shadow and in portraits that is quite an important aspect of creating an arresting image. There is also a school of thought which advocates tidying up things such as stray hairs but for me those around the model's neck are the only ones I would consider taking out but again that's a matter of personal choice. But I would suggest you tidy up the stray hair on the model's sleeve. It will be good to see other portraits you have taken.   Posted: 05/07/2022 07:52:18
Dear Peter, thank you for your comments and suggestions. They are welcome and I'll act on them.   Posted: 05/08/2022 01:22:51

Joe Kennedy   Joe Kennedy
Let me add my welcome, Brian!

I do like the simplicity of this model. My first glance had me thinking of the "Handmaiden's Tale." Although not in the same garb, her expression got me leaning in that direction. A small suggestion - cropping off the white embroidery on the sleeve. Being white, it is an attention grabber and being on the edge added to its distraction for me.   Posted: 05/07/2022 20:47:52
Dear Joe, I must admit that I had not noticed the embroidery on the sleeve. However, you are right, and I'll see how the photo looks when cropped.

Thank you for your comments.   Posted: 05/08/2022 01:25:24

Joe Norcott   Joe Norcott
Hi Brian, Great to see you joining our group. Instead of cropping maybe use an eraser function like in Photoshop if you have it. Looking forward to seeing more photos in the future.
  Posted: 05/08/2022 20:43:06

Hi Joe, your comments are appreciated and helpful. I do have Photoshop and will make use of it. Thank you.   Posted: 05/08/2022 23:25:56

Sheldon Wecker   Sheldon Wecker
The eyes make the picture. They are looking directly at me and I can't help but look back. I wonder if you could provide more information on how the model was lit. There aren't any significant shadows on the model, and none on the background. I agree that the enbroidery on the sleeve is distracting - especially since it is cut in half. Welcome to the group.   Posted: 05/09/2022 04:52:25

John Hackett   John Hackett
Although I suspect this is a set up photo session, I like the fact that you have caught what appears to be a surprised expression on Rosalind.I have to say that the pattern on the sleeve does not bother me. I like it.   Posted: 05/16/2022 11:42:00
Thanks, John, for your comments. I love portrait photography because facial expression can says much.   Posted: 05/17/2022 03:50:10

Glenn Rudd   Glenn Rudd
A great portrait with eyes looking at me and a rather mysterious expression. My primary suggestion is to crop up to a line just below the embroidered collar to eliminate the embroidered sleeve intersecting the lower edge and to enhance the features of her face. Also, for future consideration, lighting that allows some shadows and contrast might improve the impact of the image.
Welcome to the group. I look forward to seeing more of your work.   Posted: 05/17/2022 00:23:55
Your suggestions are welcome.

I'll play around more with the photo and see where it goes. Thank you.   Posted: 05/17/2022 03:52:14