Darlene Elwin  

End Of Summer by Darlene Elwin

July 2024 - End Of Summer

July 2024 - Darlene Elwin


About the Image(s)

In October I was exploring Mammoth Lakes in the Eastern Sierras, California, and came across this idyllic scene. I thought it represented the end of summer. The empty boat was a good focus point with the rest of the lake and beautiful Sierra mountains behind it. I love the color version, but thought it might work in B&W, too. The treetops and mountains appear hazy from the prescribed burning that was going on.

Shot with my Olympus E-M5MarkII mirrorless ⬓ f/16 at 1/50 ⬓ ISO 200. Converted to B&W with Silver Efex. Further editing with Camera RAW to bring out highlights, shadows and textures. Curves were used for contrast and to tone down the top and bottom parts of the image. Curves again to highlight and add more contrast to the boat. Tony Kuyper’s TK9 program in the Actions panel, ⬓Soft Pop⬠was the final edit. That action is for color images, but seemed to add a little more oomph.

This round’s discussion is now closed!
11 comments posted

Christian Serre   Christian Serre
Very nice images with wonderful atmosphere. I like them a lot. The file is only 205K when downloaded so it's difficult to know how sharp the original is. (Have you submitted it in competition?) Great composition. No advice! I was on the fence about getting Tony Kuyper's plug-in. It's not the cost of the plug-in itself but the intellectual investment that made me not commit until now. He also has TK Magic Mixer Plugin for B&W.   Posted: 07/07/2024 20:51:36
Darlene Elwin   Darlene Elwin
Thanks, Christian. I didn't realize it ended up at 205k!!! Yes, the color version did well in competition but no ribbon at the Fair.
As far as the TK plug-ins, they are confusing to use. I think Dave Kelley has one or more (free) tutorials on using some features. I haven't decided about the the Magic Mixer. I DO love B&W.   Posted: 07/13/2024 05:05:24

Jim Bodkin   Jim Bodkin
A very peaceful image, Darlene. I think both the color and B&W versions work well, so it is hard to make a choice.

Thanks for you details on your editing process. I have both TK9 and Lumenzia by Greg Benz, which I find easier to use. I should use both of them more, but get caught-up just finishing the edit, rather than seeking perfection.

Great image!

  Posted: 07/08/2024 03:20:08
Darlene Elwin   Darlene Elwin
Thanks, Jim. I prefer the colored version.
Do you know how to use TK9 confidently? I've heard of Greg Benz, but not Lumenzia.

I like to finish editing AND go for near perfection!!! ;-)   Posted: 07/13/2024 05:08:53

Jim Hagan   Jim Hagan
I love your image. The composition is great. I like the original color version but, to me, I feel it is too dark and too orange. In my revision I changed the color a bit, lightened the shadows and burned in the hot spots on the boat but I don't think my color is quite right; oh well, just a thought..   Posted: 07/21/2024 11:08:15
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Jim Hagan   Jim Hagan
As I mentioned I love your composition. And, I like the mono version as well as the color version. But, in the mono version I feel the shadows should be lightened and the boat darkened.   Posted: 07/21/2024 11:18:32
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Darlene Elwin   Darlene Elwin
Jim - I really like your B&W version! I didn't mention that in the original color, I was going for a painterly effect, so an Orton effect was lightly used. I should have converted the original photo to B&W, and not the painterly one.   Posted: 07/28/2024 00:39:45

Henry Heerschap   Henry Heerschap
I have to say that I really like the color version. It's like something out of the Hudson River School of painting. The monochrome version is very nice, though I do like what Jim H. did with the shadows. I'm a big B&W fan, but sometimes color is just the way to go.   Posted: 07/24/2024 15:08:13
Darlene Elwin   Darlene Elwin
Thanks, Henry - You noticed the painterly effect I used. As I explained to Jim, the original shot should have been used for the conversion and not the painterly one.   Posted: 07/28/2024 00:41:45

Peter Hornbostel   Peter Hornbostel
First, complement to Darlene for a perfect photo. I like the color version and the mono as well. I do not know the location and if it was possible to take the photo in landscape format. But with a perfect angle I can imagine I would get more of the wonderful forest and the mountain in this wonderful light. But this vision in my brain must not be compatible with the reality.

Next, I do not understand anything in these comments - I do not know any of the mentioned software. I must find more time for the photo after taking the photo ...   Posted: 07/25/2024 01:42:57
Darlene Elwin   Darlene Elwin
Thank you, Peter - I tried a landscape version, but there were too many distractions - people, boats, trees, bushes and logs. The vertical cut all those out to give the feeling of emptiness - end of fun on the lake in summer.

I don't know what you use for editing your photos, but I'm sure all of us in this group have at least one or two they could recommend. It DOES take time to learn.   Posted: 07/28/2024 00:48:39