Jim Hagan, MPSA  

A TREE by Jim Hagan, MPSA

July 2024 - A TREE

July 2024 - Jim Hagan, MPSA


About the Image(s)

About 15 years ago, in the late fall, I photographed a lone tree along side of a farmer’s field. Because there were no leaves on the tree its structure was beautifully outlined against a cloudy sky. Although I liked the composition the image sat for years in my ⬓so so⬠files. But I finally realized that while the color image isn’t very good a mono image would be much better.

So, In Photoshop I converted the image to mono, cloned out a few of the lower branches, increased the contrast and reduced the noise. Photographed at 200 mm, f/13 and at 1/

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5 comments posted

Christian Serre   Christian Serre
Having less of the ground to focus on the backlit tree on the layered clouds works for my taste. Looks great in B&W. Not a suggestion, though. You know what you want!   Posted: 07/07/2024 21:49:10

Jim Bodkin   Jim Bodkin
Excellent silhouette in B&W, Jim. Removing the distraction of color improved the simplicity of the image and provided an easier focus for the viewer. Well done!

  Posted: 07/08/2024 03:55:20

Henry Heerschap   Henry Heerschap
I like this very much. Your black and white processing along with the selective removal of branches was spot on.   Posted: 07/24/2024 15:29:12

Peter Hornbostel   Peter Hornbostel
I like that, Jim. The branches are like veins of nature and the main part of your story. So it is my oppinion too, that the colors ars distracting. B&W gives more focus on it. Would like too see the picture without the soil only the branches and the clouds.   Posted: 07/25/2024 02:07:23

Darlene Elwin   Darlene Elwin
I love this kind of image - a leafless tree against the sky! The B&W conversion is great. I have to disagree about removing the foreground. Maybe a little blurring in the foreground? Maybe removing the trees in the background would simplify this image even more. For a graphic look, it might be worth a try to use a Sky Replacement with no clouds. That way, no cloud textures would be competing with the absolutely beautiful tiny twigs that make this picture!   Posted: 07/28/2024 01:30:04