Darlene Elwin  



December 2023 - Darlene Elwin


About the Image(s)

This image was taken in 2016, but it's one of my favorites. It was handheld, taken with my Canon 7D. f/140, 1/400, ISO 100. When I was in Mammoth, CA., it was late summer and people were using the snow runs for their mountain bikes. I took the ski lift to the top to get some pix of them. The clouds were fantastic, so I started shooting them, instead. It looked like the broken-down fence was trying to hold back the advancing, almost menacing clouds. I'd like to know if anyone would have edited it differently.

After trying various crops, I decided that the cloud with the ⬓horns⬠was the most interesting. I also tried various crops for the foreground and decided on a tight crop to emphasize the size and drama of the clouds. Cropping in from the left eliminated the leaning post. Silver Efex, curves and dodging and burning was used to get the drama I wanted. Topaz DeNoise was the final edit.

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6 comments posted

Henry Heerschap   Henry Heerschap
This is wonderful! I like your cropping choice a lot and find your processing to be spot-on for the scene.   Posted: 12/09/2023 20:01:53

Jim Hagan   Jim Hagan
I like your image a lot. The clouds by themself would be okay but adding the fence adds much to the image. And, I especially like your leaving the end of the fence open. Your conversion from the color image is great as is the composition. I have no suggestions.   Posted: 12/11/2023 22:20:39

Darlene Elwin   Darlene Elwin
Thank you Henry and Jim. I love clouds and lean toward dramatic editing. However, it's hard to know if I've gone overboard! Each month, I look forward to the sounding board of this group.   Posted: 12/12/2023 17:00:06

Christian Serre   Christian Serre
The black and white image is much better than the color image. The clouds may be the subject but the fence is really cool, stealing the show. It works nicely.   Posted: 12/20/2023 01:52:28
Darlene Elwin   Darlene Elwin
Thanks, Christian. I do like the B/W better than color, also.   Posted: 12/20/2023 02:58:39

Jim Bodkin   Jim Bodkin
Darlene, you created drama with a cute and appropriate title. I like the B&W image and the cropping and processing that you performed. Very nice!

  Posted: 12/29/2023 04:43:59