Jim Overfield
About the Image(s)
I was taking a break from taking photos of flowers in my wife’s backyard garden when I heard a cardinal singing nearby. He was perched high in a neighbor’s pine tree when I took this photo about 40 feet from the chair I was sitting in. This male and his mate are frequently visitors to our backyard for over the past 5 years. They can live up to 15 years, so we are pleased whenever we see them visiting our feeders.
Handheld full frame camera body, 400mm, 1/400 sec, f/5.6, ISO 100, aperture priority.
1x1 crop, adjustments to highlights, shadows, whites, and blacks. Topaz denoise & sharpen. Applied a mask on the bird to boost color a little and applied another mask on the eye itself to darken and increase contrast.
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12 comments posted
You have chosen a suitable crop and the right format. I am amazed at the sharpness of the cardinal in the processed image. The Topaz program can probably do that.
So that the red and green colors don't compete too much, I took out some yellow and minimally enhanced the red, so that the cardinal comes even more into the viewer's focus. But that's just an idea.
  Posted: 11/12/2024 20:10:07
He is super sharp and I love your crop!   Posted: 11/14/2024 22:27:00
Thank you Jim!   Posted: 11/18/2024 21:32:22