Marcus Miller
About the Image(s)
Light painting with steel wool and fire. This image demonstrates that photography is fun. Settings were manual and bulb, specifically: f8, ISO100, 16mm, 43s. and a dark sky.
2 comments posted
Pinaki Sarkar
Nice and very dynamic image. Lot of action. The tight crop adds to the dynamism of the photo. I understand it is light painting technique still would love to know what exactly you did to get the effect. Excellent work.   Posted: 11/13/2024 01:53:46
Marcus Miller
Here are the details for the set up for my light painting image: it was pitch black out and the subject stood 10' away from the deck. The settings were ISO 100, f8, bulb. The exposure was around 40 sec. and camera on a tripod. For the fire effect, I put a 0000 steel wool pad from the hardware store (not the soapy brllo kind)inside a kitchen whisk. The whisk was attached to a 2-3' bungee cord. I used a flashlight to make sure the subject was the centre of the frame. In darkness, the steel wool was lit and it glows and smolders and then I swung is around my head and body and if the whisk hit the ground more sparks flew off. Safety note, wear a hat, old jacket and minimum exposed skin. Avoid leaves on the ground. Once the fire started the shutter was depressed. It's lots of fun. Make sure all embers are extinguished.   Posted: 11/13/2024 02:46:29