Rich Sears  

Cincinnati Downtown by Rich Sears

July 2024 - Cincinnati Downtown

About the Image(s)

While touring through downtown Cincinnati on a photo walk last weekend, I caught this interesting side view of the Great American Tower Building. Our tallest. With Lytle Park in the foreground. The Ohio River is just down the hill off to your left. Interested to hear your comments about the composition. Nikon Z72, Viltrox 20mm, 1/1000, f8, ISO 400.

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8 comments posted

Butch Mazzuca   Butch Mazzuca
Rich - I think it's basically an interesting composition but with a 20mm lens you have quite of a bit of distortion. But first, the image itself, in my VF I thought your clouds needed to pop a bit more so I added texture and clarity in LR, but at the same time, I thought there was too much sky for the scene so I cropped in using a 5x7 format, that I thought might be more pleasing; and to get a fix on the distortion I leveled the fountain at the end of the walkway figuring water always follows the law of gravity, so as you can see, perpendicular lines aren't perpendicular and parallel lines aren't quite parallel. If you intended the distortion then forget what I wrote and just give some thought to just bringing out the clouds a bit more and cropping a bit tighter   Posted: 07/11/2024 17:28:39
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Tom McCreary   Tom McCreary
What a beautiful building. I like the sidewalk leading into the building, and the contrast with the brick building in front of the Tower Building. What is the web looking structure at the top of the building? The 20mm lens has given you some distortion, and I straightened the near light pole, which mostly made the tower also straight. The fountain is not level, but to me that is less distracting. I like the extra contrast that Butch added to the clouds.   Posted: 07/12/2024 20:34:23
Rich Sears   Rich Sears
Tom, the top of the building is a tiera. I agree with Butch's adding more contrast.   Posted: 07/26/2024 20:47:58

Gaetan Manuel   Gaetan Manuel
I find the sky a bit boring. As already mentioned, there is distortion due to the wide-angle lens. The alley forms a good leading line, driving the viewer in the photo.   Posted: 07/16/2024 17:32:44

Judith Flacke   Judith Flacke
Geometry adjustment in Photoshop pretty much sorts the distortion, but I'm still not sure this is the best possible crop. However, I'm in a rush and trying to get a few comments in. The colours are good, to my mind, and I rather like the sharp effect - clarity or sharpening? - in this case. I also added a little contrast to the sky.   Posted: 07/20/2024 15:41:25
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Rich Sears   Rich Sears
I favor your approach to correcting the lens distortion Judith. Thanks   Posted: 07/26/2024 20:51:02

Barbara Mallon   Barbara Mallon
My reaction was oh wow! The change in Cincinnati since I was there probably 50 years ago. I like Judith's treatment. I felt there was too much sky and a bit more brightness would create more impact. I would add some midtone brightness as well.The original also was a bit tilted.   Posted: 07/24/2024 20:21:41
Rich Sears   Rich Sears
Thank you   Posted: 07/26/2024 21:30:31