Judith Flacke  

Chaser by Judith Flacke

July 2024 - Chaser

About the Image(s)

A four spotted chaser in local pond. I know the background is busier than usual for nature pics but I just love the early summer colours. :)
1/320 sec, f5.6, iso 200. Olympus OMD EM5iii, 14-140 lens.

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7 comments posted

Butch Mazzuca   Butch Mazzuca
Wow Judith - no way on earth would attempt to capture a flying subject at 1/320th second - as I said wow, nice job! I understand your comment about a 'busy' background but frankly I don't think it hurts the image, in fact it tells a story. One of the photo clubs I belong is a stickler on wildlife composition and I'm sure some might comment about how the left side of the frame doesn't add to the image, but I'm not so sure. The image has a clear COI, it's well composed, technically spot on and the colors are perfect. Hard to complain about - thanks for sharing   Posted: 07/04/2024 23:16:51

Gaetan Manuel   Gaetan Manuel
I do not think that the three green sticks on the left add to the composition. They seem to be distractions. The background is nice and the sharpness is ok.   Posted: 07/08/2024 16:06:14

Tom McCreary   Tom McCreary
A nice sharp image with good depth of field. Yes, the colors are very nice and the background behind the chaser is very blurred. I will take the middle ground between Butch and Gaetan, and suggest that you crop off most of the left 2 green stems, leaving the third from the left stem. That will also get rid of some of the bright yellow area in the lower left corner.   Posted: 07/15/2024 11:26:40
Judith Flacke   Judith Flacke
Yes, that yellow blob really is unhelpful now you come to mention it!!! Ta!   Posted: 07/20/2024 15:53:59

Hoshedar Cooper   Hoshedar Cooper
Hey Judith,

Nice image and comments from Butch, Gaetan and Tom are all valid. Macro images lend themselves better in a diagonal format. So I would try and rotate the image in either direction and as Tom suggested may be retain 1 stem whilst cropping or removing the other two. I would also add a wee bit of saturation as the colours on the chaser are brilliant. Well done Judith.   Posted: 07/15/2024 14:13:07

Barbara Mallon   Barbara Mallon
Great capture of the dragonfly! I am Having problems with the composition. I cropped out the insect and tried to put it in other places. I really like your colors and sharpness. Great Nature shot!   Posted: 07/24/2024 20:43:16

Rich Sears   Rich Sears
Spot on focus wise Judith, excellent. Composing your image with the solid blue color in the background worked well. The colors are nice. I too agree with cropping in from the left and eliminating the bright yellow color   Posted: 07/26/2024 20:58:28