Robert Coleman  

Young Buck by Robert Coleman

July 2024 - Young Buck

July 2024 - Robert Coleman


About the Image(s)

I was walking in the wooden park behind our house, and hoping to see the red shouldered hawk who frequents the area. I ran across the local deer herd grazing on the vegetation. At least they weren’t grazing on our flowers, which are not as deer resistant as advertised. I grew up in a rural area and it was a rare occurrence to see a buck out in the open. This herd often gathers in the cul-de-sac of our suburban neighborhood.

Noise reduction and sharpening in DxO PhotoLab. Further editing in Lightroom Classic.

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9 comments posted

Michael Hrankowski   Michael Hrankowski
Robert, you've captured a beautiful portrait of this guy! IMO, it is compositionally and technically very well done. I particularly like how you've isolated the subject from the background with your choice of aperture. The blurred foliage on the left side of the frame gives me the sense that you were hiding in wait and it serves to further direct my eye toward the buck. If I had any suggestion at all, it would be to add a slight vignette to further direct the viewer's eye. Very nicely done!   Posted: 07/07/2024 04:03:45

Ruth Sprain   Ruth Sprain
Robert, I like the sharp and wide-eyed look of this young buck. For me, the treat is seeing his small antlers just forming. While I'm often distracted by blurring of foliage in the foreground, in this case, it adds to the charm of the unexpected nature of your wildlife spotting. While you don't list your camera settings, they work well to blur the background just enough to keep my eyes on the buck.

Hope the deer continue to find other vegetation to munch instead of your flowers!   Posted: 07/11/2024 16:24:39

Andres Valdespino   Andres Valdespino
Great shot on all levels. The sharpening really brings out the buck's torso. I might have been tempted to erase the whitish branch on the right side, but that is an extreme nit-pick. It is not in the least distracting. Beautiful.   Posted: 07/11/2024 19:59:15
Robert Coleman   Robert Coleman
Thanks. I did try to remove the stick on the right and some of the plants in front of the buck; however, the results looked awful. The task seemed to exceed both my ability and Photoshop's AI.   Posted: 07/27/2024 20:38:12

Mary Ann Carrasco   Mary Ann Carrasco
Robert, great image of this buck. You captured him in a nice pose and I can see the glint in his eye and the texture of his coat. The composition works very well. Very nice image.   Posted: 07/15/2024 23:19:19

Joan Field   Joan Field
Looks like they had a lot of food available, so no flowers, hopefully. You did a good job lightening the deer's face. He's nice and sharp throughout. His pose is wonderful.
"Just turn a little that way, thanks." Sorry about the vegetation that is so out of focus on the lower let, but it is not too distracting, and does show off the fact that the stag himself is quite sharp. You were lucky to get him to give you that great pose.   Posted: 07/16/2024 21:00:15
Robert Coleman   Robert Coleman
Thanks Joan

We put up some deer netting to save the flowers. The herd continues to set off the Ring camera on our front door.   Posted: 07/27/2024 20:39:50

Kieu-Hanh Vu   Kieu-Hanh Vu
Hi Robert,
The pose of the young buck is very elegant with his head turning to your camera and his derriere is covered by leaves (LOL!) The foreground leaves on the left corner are a bit blurry but they are not distracting elements at all. They make like your image was captured with a "shoot-through" technique.
Minor suggestion is to crop a bit tighter on the left frame to eliminate the dark stem and to make his face more focused but it's not a big deal to me. His face is tack sharp that makes your image beautiful!   Posted: 07/17/2024 14:46:10
Comment Image

Robert Coleman   Robert Coleman
I appreciate all the comments from the group. It seems July has flown by before I've had a chance to look at all of your photos. Hope that the dust will settle and I can spend more time in August.

Camera settings:

Nikon Z8. Nikkor Z 100-400 at 400 mm. 1/1600 sec, f/8, and ISO 5000   Posted: 07/27/2024 20:36:12