Joan Field, FPSA
About the Image(s)
This is an old slide that I scanned in. I used to live in New Jersey and this is the George Washington Bridge and the little red lighthouse.. It’s interest came from a story Written by H Hildegard Smith and told the tale, which was partially try about the little lighthouse. Tje lighthouse was built in 1921 to help the shipping coming into that part of the Hudson River which was quite dangerous. In the 1930s the gw Bridge was constructed with much stronger lighting, so the lighthouse was ecomisioned. The story tells another tale. The lighthouse speaks to the bridge and complains the it is now useless, but the Bridge says, mu lights ar being used for sky warning for planes, so I would not compete with you. The little red lighthouse was then happy. In actual fact, the bridge id take over the lighthouses job . I was decommissioned, but it was named a Hertage Site and donated tot he NYC Parks Commission. The book was quite popular in the 1940s and I remember reading it. The photos taken on one of the many times I took the bridge to commute into the city and I was pleased that I was able to show the hugeness of the bridge against the tis little lighthouse.. A good illustration of the story or at least a good memory of it. It still stands today, I believe. No special work was done except to scan the slide on my Epson flatbed scanner and clean up a few areas using the clone tool. As I look at this agin, it may have been taken from a boat, maybe a ferry
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6 comments posted
Thank you for sharing this photo and story. I was stationed at West Point 30+ years ago and have traveled north and south across the Hudson from the lighthouse never noticing or knowing about the little lighthouse.   Posted: 01/17/2025 23:38:59
The angle you captured George Washington Bridge and the little red lighthouse is impactful! It gives the viewer a sense of scale how enormous the bridge is. The red color of the lighthouse has a visual appealing to the scene.
I also appreciated the story you shared. It drives me to think beyond capturing the regular photos and to get more storytelling images. Nice image!   Posted: 01/21/2025 01:08:17