Mo Devlin  

“Screaming Pink" by Mo Devlin

July 2024 - “Screaming Pink"

About the Image(s)

I don't remember the name of this particular flower. I was concerned that petals wouldn't freeze well. They were a little fleshy, which means they hold more water than the average petal. I did a few things to address this. First, I froze it in a Pyrex bowl rather than stainless. My experience is that the Pyrex releases the ice quicker and with fewer heat cracks. Second was that I didn't completely fill the bowl as usual. Instead, I filled it halfway. This expedited a quicker freeze, limiting the amount of clouding from any excess minerals of liquid.
Lighting is really key with ALL of my photography. I used three very large speedlights pointed at the ice "puck" (yeah, I coined that phrase) different directions The effect in the first photo was because of a very high amount of directional light positioned about five inches from the back. To give you an idea, if the intensity of the light for the other two lights was one, the backlight was a three. I couldn't think of a better name. I thought that the ice looks like its violently expelling the flower, giving it a bit of motion feel.â¬

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9 comments posted

Murphy Hektner   Murphy Hektner
Hi Moe: Another creative ice picture executed very well. In reading your text it is apparent to me you have done a lot of experimentation in fine tuning this procedure. These creative ice pictures are created with a lot of artistry. There could be a very few other photographers that attempt this, however I really doubt they would use the same techniques you employ.   Posted: 07/07/2024 05:24:33

Mo Devlin   Mo Devlin
Thanks Murphy. I've said often that I love photography that requires a process. With the frozen flowers I have to be both a florist and a chemist long before I'm the photographer and artist. Knowing a little something about first two only makes the last two easier.I've seen and probably motivated some other photographers that have produced some wonderful photos and even refined the art with their own style. I've been asked why I continue to give away the secret sauce on the how-too's of freezing flowers. My answer has always been, why not? I love talking about it as much or more than I love doing it. I appreciate the kind remarks. Let me ask...what's your thoughts specifically on the "high key" lighting approach?   Posted: 07/08/2024 13:30:57
Murphy Hektner   Murphy Hektner
Mo: In regards to Hi-Key lighting: Using hi-key lighting can add mood and life to certain types pictures if done correctly. It works well with your 'flowers in ice' photo photography.   Posted: 07/21/2024 14:56:24

Gaetan Manuel   Gaetan Manuel
I really like your experiments and the resulting photos. Nice job!   Posted: 07/16/2024 18:17:55
Mo Devlin   Mo Devlin
Thanks Gaetan. Just keeping it fresh. ;)   Posted: 07/16/2024 18:19:21

Raymond Tice   Raymond Tice
MO, another interesting composition, technically superb. I think the flower is a dahlia. Ray   Posted: 07/18/2024 01:24:14
Mo Devlin   Mo Devlin
Thanks Ray. I've been in a frozen flower groove of late. My latest experiments involve using different types of water. I usually use distilled, but Ben trying bothe descriptionized water and reverse osmosis water. I'm a bit of a mad scientist with my flowers.   Posted: 07/18/2024 11:23:26

Vincent Cochain   Vincent Cochain
Always interesting to read your research and experiments.
In addition to the technical aspect and realization, I like the angle of the flower (not perpendicular the camera).   Posted: 07/24/2024 20:03:00
Mo Devlin   Mo Devlin
Thanks Vincent. One of my hard and fast rules is to not limit myself to any one angle. Sometimes that slight difference on the way the ice is lit or the camera pointed makes the difference. Appreciate the input.   Posted: 07/25/2024 11:06:38