Vincent Cochain, EPSA  

Flower from the street by Vincent Cochain, EPSA

September 2023 - Flower from the street

September 2023 - Vincent Cochain, EPSA


About the Image(s)

Another picture of flower from the street. 6h30 AM in June. I took the picture directly in the square format. I like the colors.
1/500 at f/8.0, ISO 1600 at 400 mm APS-C (600 FF)

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9 comments posted

Murphy Hektner   Murphy Hektner
Hi Vincent: The light green background supports the brilliant red flowers well. The diagonal placement is good. Composition seems a bit off to me, there are 3 flower stems that at one time held a flower, however the flowers have now fallen leaving the end of the stems in space which does not look too graceful. The entrance of the main stems is a little too close to the corner of the frame for the best composition, best to have them some distance away if possible. Just my thoughts...   Posted: 09/05/2023 06:08:21

Dan McKenna   Dan McKenna
Nice colors and exposure Vincent. I agree with Murphy on the stems w/o flowers as they are a little distracting. Murphy's other comment related to the stem originating from the corner opens up an old debate about the use of corners in composition. I tend to favor the use of corners to start an element, but this has been much debated and often judges will score an image based on how they personally use corners in composition.   Posted: 09/06/2023 18:24:52

Raymond Tice   Raymond Tice
Vincent - as you know by now, sometimes we provide different opinions. For me, the image evoked the passage of time given that some of the bougainvillea bracts are dying and this goes with the stems that have lost the bracts as well as the spiderwebs. For me, I favor the use of a corner and would have had the stem intersect directly with the corner rather than a tad off. I like the colors but the bracts in the back are a little soft and I am not sure whether I would have preferred sharpness throughout the flower (well, not really a flower but the term works). Ray   Posted: 09/07/2023 01:41:36

Vincent Cochain   Vincent Cochain
Dear All,
Thanks for your comments which are different. For the corner, there are some people in favor and other against.
Here, one again, I really appreciate the comment and the forum, as sometimes we can "discover" something we didn't notice... For the "empty stems", I think the spiderwebs can justify their presence...   Posted: 09/08/2023 09:27:46
Murphy Hektner   Murphy Hektner
Hi all: The debate regarding a flower stem originating from a corner of the frame has been going on long before photography. Artists way back when had this same discussion with their own personal opinions.

A couple of months ago we had some discussion regarding having an odd number of flowers in the frame such as 3 or 5 or 7, never an even number such as 2 or 4 or 6.

I think this flower stem thing is of the same circumstance with no clear rules. I have sat in on image evaluations with well known pro photographers and they all have their own personal agendas regarding the approach they prefer in their own work. Cheers everyone.   Posted: 09/09/2023 04:50:34
Vincent Cochain   Vincent Cochain
Thanks Murphy for this opinion.
I think if everyone does as he or she wishes to do, it is the most important.   Posted: 09/17/2023 17:04:22

Judy Merson   Judy Merson
Sharp capture of the aging bracts Nice composition I agree the creamy green background sets off the flowers well better than the darker original background I might flip the image so the flower comes from the left I would also clone out the empty twigs I also put a 2 pixel stroke around image   Posted: 09/10/2023 01:51:30
Comment Image
Vincent Cochain   Vincent Cochain
Thanks Judy for this nice and good proposition.   Posted: 09/17/2023 17:05:14

Gaetan Manuel   Gaetan Manuel
Sharp shot. Good colour contrast between the flower and the green background. But the stems without flowerrs could have been removed in PS.   Posted: 09/12/2023 05:52:31