Alison Johnson  

Lilac Mily by Alison Johnson

February 2025 - Lilac Mily

February 2025 - Alison Johnson


About the Image(s)

Taken With: Nikon Z6ii, Tamran 200-500mm f5+, no filter
FL: 213mm
Metering: Spot Metered
F Value: f/5.3
Program: Aperture Priority
Shutter Speed: 1/3,200

Edited original in Photoshop (full/latest version)
Step in PS: Removed leaves via classic masking, Removed light/burn spots with dodging and heal/spot fix tools, slight sharpening, vibrance and saturation increase, took the exposure down and added exposure offset. That was all

While overexposed, I liked the shot so set it alone instead of accompanied by leaves. Lily looks like it is almost made of rubber so aimed to make it feel almost 3d but still real. Ultimately I tried to enhance the interesting texture of the various plant parts.
I took this in Sept ’24 when I had been shooting for about 5 months. If taking this shot now I would use a different sense, get closer to the subject and adjust the shutter speed and take down the f/ value. If repeating I would hope to get most in focus.

4 comments posted

Murphy Hektner   Murphy Hektner
Hi Alison: Welcome to flower group #75.
In reading your bio you are a busy person, Mom to 3 kids, working full time and maintaining a household.

Your water lily picture is good for someone with just 5 months experience in photography when you made this picture. Have been shooting for a long time and still learning.

In your lily picture it intrigues me as we cannot see any pond water, your original does show a reflection and water line on the stem, where your worked on picture does not.

Nice lighting on the lily flower with good sharpness.   Posted: 02/03/2025 19:09:41
Alison Johnson   Alison Johnson
Thank you. this is great feedback. you are absolutely right overcorrected the water line and should have retained the plnt to water line. I will remember to add a frame next time. Thanks again
  Posted: 02/04/2025 23:36:06

Raymond Tice   Raymond Tice
Alison, you did great as in almost perfect - nice composition, great colors. I agree that having the stem in focus all the way down would have made for a better image. And, one thing most of us end up doing is to add a frame in PS sow people know where the image ends given that they are displayed against a black background. Ray   Posted: 02/03/2025 22:01:24
Alison Johnson   Alison Johnson
Thanks! Feedback is always a gift. Will add a frame. Much appreciated   Posted: 02/04/2025 23:36:48


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