Vincent Cochain, EPSA
About the Image(s)
1/250, f/5,6 at 100 ISO. 150 mm (FF).
Taken in my garden early int the morning in June at sunrise (6:45 AM). I loved the structure and the life of this situation.
Processed in LR: format. Increased the texture, clarity and dehaze. Decreased highlights and black. A mask to darken the background.
5 comments posted
Raymond Tice
Vincent, Iceland poppies are one of my favorite flowers to photography, including as they open. You did good. The flower and stem are crisp, there is spidersilk on one side of the stem. The background works well. Questions: why the tilt as opposed to being straight vertical and while the stem is interesting, it is really the bud that attracts attention so a thought is to crop more on all sides making the bud more the center of attention?   Posted: 01/10/2025 01:02:38
Vincent Cochain
Thanks Ray for your comment.
It is tilt just because I took so the picture. I didn't think to change its inclinaison. I agree to crop a little all around, there is enough space and the stem is long enough to keep it.   Posted: 01/17/2025 12:48:30
It is tilt just because I took so the picture. I didn't think to change its inclinaison. I agree to crop a little all around, there is enough space and the stem is long enough to keep it.   Posted: 01/17/2025 12:48:30
Murphy Hektner
Hi Vincent: Good sharp details on the stem and orange flower with vibrant colors with nice sunrise lighting. The light orange out of focus background was perfect for the dark orange flower.
To me the flower should not be tilted in the frame as much as it is, to tighten up the composition I would crop into a vertical format; on the right crop about half way to the stem and the same amount on the left side. This more vertical format would fit the single flower well.   Posted: 01/10/2025 12:19:04
To me the flower should not be tilted in the frame as much as it is, to tighten up the composition I would crop into a vertical format; on the right crop about half way to the stem and the same amount on the left side. This more vertical format would fit the single flower well.   Posted: 01/10/2025 12:19:04
Vincent Cochain
Thanks Murphy for your comment.
A more vertical format can be too strict, too classic, don't you think?
I agree I can still crop a little.   Posted: 01/17/2025 12:50:23
A more vertical format can be too strict, too classic, don't you think?
I agree I can still crop a little.   Posted: 01/17/2025 12:50:23
Murphy Hektner
Hi Vincent: Most of the time I am not a favorite of the square format as it is not very artistic in manner. For certain subjects it can work well, for instance in certain types of architectural photography. Each photographer has their own personal view on composition, not certain if too classic is a bad thing.
Some photographers are enamored with the well worn rule of thirds idea, however it does not work well for every subject. I have my own person rule I try to adhere to, it is "artistic balance", just my 2 cents... cheers.   Posted: 01/19/2025 19:26:59
Some photographers are enamored with the well worn rule of thirds idea, however it does not work well for every subject. I have my own person rule I try to adhere to, it is "artistic balance", just my 2 cents... cheers.   Posted: 01/19/2025 19:26:59