Melanie Hurwitz
About the Image(s)
This was taken at the side of a main road near Boone, North Carolina.
After converting in Photoshop and using Tonal color. I de noised in Topas. In Nik I used Tonal contrast and placed a vignette. Lastly, I levels to balance the tones
Sony, 26mm. F 9, 1/800, ISO 400
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14 comments posted
Arik Gorban
The composition and tones are nice. The scene is beautiful and is great for IR. I would reduce the intensity of the vignette and remove the Tonal Contrast effect from the sky. It created some texture in the sky.   Posted: 11/01/2023 19:02:59
Melanie Hurwitz
Thanks Arik, Agreed   Posted: 11/12/2023 18:53:22
Palli Gajree
Hi Melanie
Compositionally a strong and delightful image which I like. I think Arik has a point, re: vignette and tonal contrast which can be easily fixed.   Posted: 11/03/2023 01:36:07
Compositionally a strong and delightful image which I like. I think Arik has a point, re: vignette and tonal contrast which can be easily fixed.   Posted: 11/03/2023 01:36:07
Melanie Hurwitz
Thanks Palli, You are right   Posted: 11/12/2023 18:53:55
Gary Potts
Jack Florence Jr
Gary's is nicely processed. But to me it seems sky replacements never look 100% natural, there's always a tiny sense of something off ;)   Posted: 11/05/2023 05:38:08
Melanie Hurwitz
Thanks for taking the time to work on my image. Always appreciated. Although I like your sky, it seems a bit much for this image. I will work to improve the my sky as I do see the defects.   Posted: 11/12/2023 18:56:50
Jack Florence Jr
You have quite a collection of barns, Melanie. Very nice, as the others have said. For me I'd like to crop in just a bit right side and top.   Posted: 11/05/2023 05:39:33
Melanie Hurwitz
Jack, I think you hit the nail on the head. A crop is needed   Posted: 11/12/2023 18:59:44
Emil Davidzuk
From South Africa to Boone NC you do get out to places to shoot IR.
I like your scene very much.
Emil   Posted: 11/07/2023 17:37:41
From South Africa to Boone NC you do get out to places to shoot IR.
I like your scene very much.
Emil   Posted: 11/07/2023 17:37:41
Melanie Hurwitz
We do travel, which does not always mean good pictures. But you are the king of barns.   Posted: 11/12/2023 19:14:00
Henry Heerschap
I like this as well. The angle you chose works well with this subject. I like what Gary did to the roof, but I'm not sold on his sky replacement. A tighter crop from the top and right side would also be in order, in my opinion.   Posted: 11/09/2023 00:09:04
Melanie Hurwitz
Thanks Henry, Agreed
  Posted: 11/12/2023 19:14:50
  Posted: 11/12/2023 19:14:50
Charles Walker
Melanie, I have a lot of these images of dilapidated sheds and barns, many with foliage growing wildly around them. You composed your image nicely, but you still may have a challenge defining what the subject is. These are busy, complex images. My eye wants more contrast between the shed and grass in the foreground, perhaps achieved by using a selection tool to lighten the grass and darken the barn?   Posted: 11/20/2023 14:25:33