Emil Davidzuk
About the Image(s)
Workflow: After rendering the image in BW using NIK Silver Efex, I used the LR radial grad and brush tools to create the light from lamp and building. It took some experimenting to get a semi-realistic rendering.
Camera: 590nm Canon 5D Mk II, 180mm Canon f4 lens at 80mm, 1/20 sec at f8, ISO 200, 1 EV
10 comments posted
Interesting creation. I'm not sure that the IR did much for the picture, but I like the final version very much.   Posted: 02/01/2025 20:12:20
I agree with you re lack of IR content in the original. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could transform it into a night scene.
Thanks for feedback
Emil   Posted: 02/02/2025 18:29:32
I agree with you re lack of IR content in the original. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could transform it into a night scene.
Thanks for feedback
Emil   Posted: 02/02/2025 18:29:32
My apology Arik for mispelling your name - using my iPad was a handicap
Emil   Posted: 02/04/2025 19:19:35
Emil   Posted: 02/04/2025 19:19:35
Interesting seeing this right after Henry's, definitely day and night!
Good job with rendering the mood of a night image, Emil. The light from the lamp, not being in the original, took some work, good job! It could be even a tad brighter. There's a heaviness to it overall, but if you brighten it too much you'll lose the night feel.   Posted: 02/05/2025 00:06:05
Good job with rendering the mood of a night image, Emil. The light from the lamp, not being in the original, took some work, good job! It could be even a tad brighter. There's a heaviness to it overall, but if you brighten it too much you'll lose the night feel.   Posted: 02/05/2025 00:06:05
That you derived this noir image from the original is quite amazing. You fooled me. The light from the lamp is realistic. Thanks for experimenting.   Posted: 02/05/2025 01:33:44
Hi Emil,
Wonderfully creative. Camera noir! Whether or not IR added to or was needed is beside the point, given the creative addition of light and darkness.   Posted: 02/05/2025 12:47:32
Wonderfully creative. Camera noir! Whether or not IR added to or was needed is beside the point, given the creative addition of light and darkness.   Posted: 02/05/2025 12:47:32
Well done, Emil! It's not obviously IR, but I find IR brings out tones that are lost in a conventional image so it probably made a subtle difference here. No suggestions.   Posted: 02/05/2025 16:34:03
I agree with you re lack of IR content in the original. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could transform it into a night scene.
Thanks for feedback
Emil   Posted: 02/05/2025 17:09:16
I agree with you re lack of IR content in the original. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could transform it into a night scene.
Thanks for feedback
Emil   Posted: 02/05/2025 17:09:16
I agree with you re lack of IR content in the original. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could transform it into a night scene.
Thanks for feedback
Emil   Posted: 02/05/2025 21:10:32
I agree with you re lack of IR content in the original. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could transform it into a night scene.
Thanks for feedback
Emil   Posted: 02/05/2025 21:10:32
I agree with you re lack of IR content in the original. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could transform it into a night scene.
Thanks for feedback
Emil   Posted: 02/05/2025 21:15:15
I agree with you re lack of IR content in the original. I thought it would be interesting to see if I could transform it into a night scene.
Thanks for feedback
Emil   Posted: 02/05/2025 21:15:15