I am just back from a very brief outing to the Western Michigan coastline to photograph lighthouses.
This is one constructed in 1895 and still in use today, albeit without human intervention. For my eye, this was all
about the sky, the textures, and the use of IR to get rich blacks and whites. The composition was everything in this one, and we'll see if it works for my peers in DD66. Converted to full monochrome in Nik Silver Efex Pro, added in Darken/Lighten Center with Color Efex Pro, and finished up with Detail Extractor in Color Efex. Not the time of year we'd typically think of bringing out the IR cameras, but I'm satisfied with the final result. Looking forward to your feedback.
8 comments posted
Arik Gorban
Beautiful picture. Yes, the composition makes it work. I may try to remove a couple of the tree branches that merge with the top part of the lighthouse. The grasses are okay.   Posted: 02/01/2025 20:06:59
Tom McCreary
(Groups 7 & 32 & 57)
I agree with Arik that the composition is very good. I think that winter is a good time to use IR, because at least here in Missouri it is the time of the year with dark blue skies and good high clouds.   Posted: 02/02/2025 19:01:16
Jack Florence Jr
What a great way of working with a sky, Gary, as in not just capturing great clouds, but integrating the sky into your composition. It's so well composed! I wish the foreground had that sand, uniform to the left edge, but that's a nitpick.   Posted: 02/05/2025 00:00:40
Gary Potts
Hi Jack,
I thought it was a nit-pick...until I corrected your concern. This appears both more natural and less of a distraction to my eye. Would you agree? Thanks for seeing this.   Posted: 02/05/2025 13:31:37
Charles Walker
Gary, indeed the sky adds much to this lovely composition. Yes, it is nitpicking, but the sand in foreground seems unnatural, but I don't have a reasonable suggestion for an alternative.   Posted: 02/05/2025 01:24:55
Gary Potts
Does this look more natural, Charles?   Posted: 02/05/2025 13:30:15
Henry Heerschap
Gary, this is wonderful. I don't have too much more to add to what others have said already. I do think I prefer the version that you submitted in response to Jack's comments. I do agree with Arik that removing a few of the branches that cross the structure might be worth the effort. Otherwise, it's terrific. I hope you get a chance to print it.   Posted: 02/05/2025 16:30:17
Emil Davidzuk
Stunning composition, maybe one of the best that I have seen since being member here.
The best version is the one you posted after Charles' feedback on 2/5