Maria Mazo, PPSA
About the Image(s)
For this month's image, I’ve chosen a shot of a water lily that I took last year in one of the ponds at Warriwood Wetlands.
In post-processing, I darkened some areas that were too bright, due to not using a polarizing filter, and also removed a few spots from the flower.
Exif data:
Shutter speed: 1/320 sec
Aperture: f/6.3
ISO: 800
Shot with a Sony camera and a 100-400mm lens at 400mm
4 comments posted
David Terao
Hi, Maria. This is a beautiful shot of a water lily which, in my opinion, is one the most photogenic of all flowers. You captured its subtle colors perfectly. I agree with your toning down the highlights, but I think they can be toned down further, especially in the corners. And, since you removed some dark spots on the water lily, I still see a couple that you missed - one in the lower left petal and one in the center - just to be a little picky.   Posted: 01/11/2025 21:20:08
Dick States
Beautiful pink lily. I agree with you it would have been great use a polarizer to eliminate the glare off the leaves. When taking water lilies there is usually glare off the leaves due to their waxy surface and glare off the water.
I would like to see a little more DOF so to make the yellow center sharp.   Posted: 01/15/2025 00:24:31
I would like to see a little more DOF so to make the yellow center sharp.   Posted: 01/15/2025 00:24:31
Diana Duffey
Great capture of this lovely water lily. I agree the use of a polarizer would
have eliminated the glare on the leaves.   Posted: 01/15/2025 02:56:59
have eliminated the glare on the leaves.   Posted: 01/15/2025 02:56:59
Barbara Asacker
Striking image of the pink water lily against the dark pond water. The water droplets add interest. I would crop the image to eliminate some of the background. Nicely done, Maria.   Posted: 01/15/2025 15:41:46